Wang Yibo's movie journey has gone through ups and downs, but unexpected...

The movie "King of the Long Sky" has been the center of the netizens' hot discussion from the opening to the killing, from the scheduling to the pre-sale due to the subject matter. Just when the audience deeply hope that the release date will come soon, two notices from the official microblog of "King of the Long Sky" are like a remote control, directly turning people's mood from excitement to loss. The news that the movie "King of the Long Sky" has been withdrawn from the National Day slot has quickly aroused a lot of discussion among the netizens. Some people discussed the reasons for the withdrawal and rescheduling, others ridiculed the producer as well as the actors, and some even lamented that their golden holiday was just lost as a source of happiness. In fact, no one is more lost than Wang Yibo, one of the main actors. According to the original plan, "The King of the Long Sky" will be held in Beijing three days before the premiere of the premiere. As the lead actor, Wang Yibo also flew from Hangzhou to Beijing according to the plan. The temporary notification of Wang Yibo, although still with his head down, footsteps hurriedly disappeared at the end of the channel. But from the photos taken by the pick-up netizens, you can still see a little frustration. #WangYibo# Many people speculate that when the "King of the Long Sky" released the news of its withdrawal, Wang Yibo was on the plane and did not know about it. And as soon as he got off the plane, he was welcomed not only by the fans who picked him up, but also by the news of the movie's withdrawal. Compared to the audience, Wang Yibo's lost mood is only more and less. After all, this is his first film as a male lead, all the strength he has saved up only to bring the audience a most precious gift on the day of the premiere. But the truth is, it disappointed everyone. Although "King of the Long Sky" chose to change its release in order to present a better production effect. But the contribution of the lead actor Wang Yibo to the box office cannot be ignored: breaking the fastest record of breaking 10 million in China's film history for the National Day slot, and withdrawing from the National Day slot with pre-sales breaking 30 million and far ahead of other movies ...... The dark horse that led the National Day movie suddenly withdrew from the slot, which also made many viewers vent their discontent in the comments, and even mock the actor and the producer. But Paw Paw thinks that such behavior is not necessary! If not for the responsible attitude towards the audience, it would not have chosen to withdraw the file when the box office was in full swing. After all, all parties lost real money, and this is not the result we want to see. In retrospect, the seemingly infinite scenery of Wang Yibo, but rarely get the care of the gods of fate. The only thing that accompanied him was the mirror of the dance studio; he finally made his debut as a group, and faced a series of changes such as restrictions on Korea; the TV series he shot was on fire, but he was tied up in rumors. Now, entering the film industry, Wang Yibo cooperates with excellent teams, movie stars and power players. It seems to be smooth sailing, with pending works lined up for release. But on the eve of the release suddenly rescheduled, as the party concerned, he was the last to know. I really want to complain for him! (Originality is not easy, thank you for carrying! If there is a special need, private chat authorization - octopus essay) But think about it another way: Wang Yibo's movie "King of the Long Sky" was not released as promised, but he created a new record, his ability to resist pre-sales and box office appeal has been proven! Of course, in the industry Wang Yibo has already been recognized, the 30 million pre-sales is enough to make the film market look more squarely at this newcomer to the film; through the mainstream media's recommendation certification, it also makes passers-by notice the actor Wang Yibo. Such results cannot make up for the film's re-release, but they are enough to comfort the hearts of the audience anxiously waiting for test pilot Lei Yu. Although the journey has been bumpy, but Wang Yibo has brought surprising results every time. Motorcycle he is the champion, street dance he is the champion captain, TV series he is the guarantee of ratings. Although the process is circumstantial, but Wang Yibo will always come out of the splendid road after the thorns and thorns. So, please build up your strength next. Believe that everything is the best arrangement! Wait for the day after the release, witness Wang Yibo with Leiyu for their own endorsement! On the eve of the release of "King of the Long Sky", the scandal of Wang Yibo has arisen again, five years can not change something new! The two global endorsements with the same frequency official announcement, Wang Yibo demonstrates what is the fashion business resources of film and television actors "The King of the Long Sky" broke the fastest record of breaking ten million in the National Day of the year, starring Wang Yibo credit "Street Dance 5" mastered the ratings code: captain microfilm debut, will Wang Yibo welded on the title! The next "scandal" to attract attention, netizens: better to say Wang Yibo grab limited edition motorcycle more reliable
