a beautiful battle starting Reuters Chaoyue Yang Zhang Yuqi Mencius wear...
The Pretty Fight" is a brand new variety show featuring Chaoyue Yang, Zhang Yuqi, Meng Ziyi, Wang Meng, Guan Le and other stars in a series of game challenges around the world to show their wisdom, courage and charm. The show will be launched globally in April 2023 on Akiyoshi. Recently, the show's team has revealed a set of recording roadshows for the first time, which has opened the eyes of netizens.
As seen in the roadshow, the program team has chosen different cities as the game sites, including Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Xi'an, each with its unique customs and history and culture. The program team also prepared high-tech battle suits for the stars to make them more dashing and comfortable in the game. It is reported that these combat suits are customized according to each star's personality and preference, not only with protective functions, but also with various magical props and equipment.
The roadshow also shows some clips of the game, such as Chaoyue Yang and Meng Ziyi searching for clues in the mall, Zhang Yuqi and Wang Meng deciphering the code in the ancient city, and Guan Le and Xu Zhengxi tasting snacks in the food street. Each game has different levels of difficulty and fun, allowing the stars to use their brains as well as their hands, and compete with other teams.
As you can see from the roadshow, the stars were very involved and enjoyed the game process, breaking out in laughter and exclaiming from time to time.
Netizens, after seeing the roadshow, expressed their anticipation for the show and appreciated the performance of the stars. A netizen said, "Chaoyue Yang is so cute, she must be so funny in the game." A netizen said, "Zhang Yuqi is so beautiful, she looks like a goddess in her high-tech battle suit." A netizen said, "Meng Ziyi is so handsome, he must be great in the game." A netizen said, "Wang Meng and Guan Le are my favorites, they must be hilarious in the game."
'Pretty Fight' is a variety show that combines beauty, beauty and food, allowing viewers to see a different side of the stars and experience the charm of each place. The show will be available worldwide on Akiyo in April 2023, so stay tuned!
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