Actor King announced the postponement of the wedding, the content of the...

On April 24, actor Da Wang suddenly announced in his personal social account that the wedding was postponed, which triggered a hot debate among netizens. The king said: I believe it will be all right. The text of the king really makes people a little confused, if there is no picture below, it is easy to suspect that her marriage with her husband Lv Peng Xing is not any problem. The content of the circle of friends exposed from the king himself can be learned, in order to respond to the call, so decided to postpone the wedding, there is no relationship with the two sides, so you do not have to worry about it. But the king also deliberately did not tell everyone the specific time, it seems to be thought of when suddenly give the netizens a surprise. In addition, the king also said: when the time to send invitations to everyone, if you do not receive an invitation, that is an indefinite postponement. It's not to mention that the way the king responded was quite humorous. It's true that the artist who was a debater in "Oddball" is always laying stems. The company's husband, Lv Pengxing, did not respond to this, and his social account is in a "stop" state. The wedding announcement was made on February 10, 2022, when she announced her marriage to her husband, Lv Pengxing, in her personal social account, with a marriage certificate to make the news public, with the text: from now on, "Shen Xian couple". In the photo, Da Wang smiling face, and her husband Lv Peng Xing stand together extraordinarily well matched, but due to the problem of makeup, Da Wang looks slightly older than her husband. The face of Lv Pengxing is really handsome, handsome features and bright eyes, high nose and perfect mouth shape, a proper "fresh meat". The day Lv Pengxing combed "three seven hair", to add a touch of male maturity to its youthful looks. The two then took a number of wedding photos together, only to see the king snuggled in the arms of her husband, Lv Pengxing held a marriage certificate in one hand, one hand will be the king in the arms, the picture is very sweet, across the screen can let people feel their newlywed happiness. After the official announcement, Lv Pengxing also announced the happy news, with the text: big event hair "sound". Although the words are short, but can feel his firm attitude towards marriage. The king's popularity in the entertainment industry is not high, there are not many friends in the circle, after the announcement of the wedding, only a few celebrity friends to send their blessings. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. I have to say, the interaction between the two is really sweet, which shows how deep their bosom friend love. Even if they are not in the same starting line, they can still become close friends, which is rare in the current entertainment industry. The two of them are not going to hype up the buzz and occasionally share some sweet photos to interact with netizens. The postponement of the wedding is a reluctant move, because the current environment is not optimistic, after all, to think about the health of family and friends. But Wang and her husband Lv Pengxing's feelings are so strong, blessing the future wedding can be held as scheduled, look forward to their own "family of three" as soon as possible.
