In the education circle, Xiao Zhan became a "regular customer" in the mi...

Introduction: Nowadays, with the continuous development of network technology, you can always know what's going on in the society without leaving home. Especially affected by the epidemic, students have also opened the mode of online classes to learn, so to speak, a handful of tablets, but this gives children more access to the Internet. Now the flow of stars is getting younger and younger, from a few years old to teenagers have become a group debut, secondary school students happen to be in a period of continuous development of ideas and values, the most susceptible to the influence of stars, so the pursuit of stars in this age group of children seems normal. The education circle Xiao war fire, became a secondary school paper "familiar", parents did not oppose in the eyes of parents, most do not like their children to follow the stars, because they believe that this will not only delay learning, but also will bring bad children. But recently there is a star, so to speak, often appear in the lives and studies of students, but did not cause dissatisfaction among parents. As the picture shows, this is an English test paper, Xiao Zhan was used as a character to be depicted in the last question of the test, this idea can be said to be very novel, to capture the small minds of children now. Whether the student is a "fan" or not, he or she is happy to write a small essay about a character, which is usually relatively easy and stimulates the creativity of students. If you're a star-struck student, you'll be very proud of yourself, and you'll be in a good mood. As a public figure, a celebrity should be a good role model. As we can see in the picture, Xiao Zhi also appeared in the language of choice, we all know that the language paper is the most number of words in all the papers, so doing the questions suddenly saw a familiar name, candidates will be bright, the idea is also alive, so in doing the back of the question will have better energy to analyze and think about it. In fact, the teachers who wrote the questions included public figures in the textbook so that students could understand them better and be more interested in learning. For example, in the English newspaper pictured below, students would have had a headache when reading the English article, but if the topic of the article was about one of their favorite celebrities, they would have had the perseverance to read on even if the words were difficult, so that not only did they exercise their learning skills, but they would also enjoy reading the English article more. For middle school students to follow the star behavior, as parents should be dialectical view parents do not like their children to follow the stars, the biggest reason is afraid of affecting the children's academic performance, and develop bad habits, but when the stars into our public view, parents are slowly understanding the children's ideas, after all, they are also from the era of the star, more experienced. Now many parents no longer reject their children to follow the stars, some even with their children, in fact, parents can sit down with their children to have a good chat, as long as it does not affect the normal life of children, should respect their views and ideas. If parents strictly require their children not to follow the stars, the result is often counterproductive, the child not only did not progress in performance, but will chase more intense. Children in secondary school, they also have their own judgment, have their own understanding, parents need to do is to look at the public figure with their children dialectically, together with progress, together with the development, until years later to look back on this period, will be a good memory. Parents also need to change their way of thinking, and children stand in the same perspective, to do the child's "good friend" in the child's growth, parents are the child's first teacher, is also the teacher forever, the child's growth has a vital impact. Now society is constantly developing, the way of education is also constantly changing, parents should also keep pace with the times, stand in the children's perspective to understand their world, to let children in the interest of learning to learn, love learning. Children who simply know how to learn fixed knowledge from textbooks have little room for development, and it is difficult to keep up with social development and changes. Nowadays, children are all-round development, so parents should also reflect on whether their education is appropriate in the process of raising their children and whether their children's study habits are conducive to their development. The last thing I want to say is: parents should respect their children's ideas and stop treating them as children. Junior high school students, most of their children at this time have their own ideas, but also the rebellious period, if parents just keep on putting pressure on their children, the children will have serious problems. When you see your child chasing after a star, don't blindly blame him, sit down and patiently talk to your child, say your thoughts to your child, this time the child will also say what's on his mind, stand in the child's perspective to see this matter. Sometimes following the stars is not a bad thing, if it can give children the motivation to learn, parents should also support.
