One month after the broadcast of "The Rest of Your Life", Xiao Zhan gain...

The TV series "The Rest of My Life, Please Teach Me More" was all the rage during its airing, and after a month of airing, it finally ushered in the official finale for non-members, which meant that "The Rest of My Life" waved goodbye to us, and although "The Rest of My Life" has said goodbye to us, actor Xiao Zhangsuo is still standing by our side. From the premiere of "The Afterlife" on March 15 to the end of the member version on March 31, Xiao Zhangsuo's Gu Wei has been occupying the top position in the list of new media index for the role of the drama, and on the closing day it got the top, the new media index for the role reached 9.35, which can be said to be the leader. And as the most popular character at the time, naturally attracts a lot of fans. The first of these is the "Aftermath", which is the first of its kind. fans. From then on, he began a rapid increase in powder road, March 24 is directly up 40,000 powder, his total number of fans also reached a surprising 30 million, although at that time did not issue 30 million fan benefits, but fans are still very happy, because their favorite idols also have a lot of people like, the heart unconsciously also followed happy. The most increase in powder is also on April 15, the closing day of the membership version, a single day of powder rose to 66,000, and the rate of increase in powder only slowly down, but from the end of the membership version to the end of the non-member version also rose 321,000 powder, the total number of fans reached 30,703,000. From the official announcement of the day March 14 to April 15 non-member closing, Xiao war a total of 897,000 powder, a month's time has risen nearly 900,000 powder, the ability to absorb powder is no one. The fans are lamenting the strength of the powder so strong, but there are also some girlfriends powder worry, spit out did not expect a "afterlife" broadcast so many love rivals. In fact, it is no wonder that the appearance of high cold inside a little sultry, but in fact is a very capable white angel, this persona and who can carry it? And "unfortunately", now the "afterlife" is still in the hot period, still will bring a lot of fans for Xiao war, and the most critical is now Xiao war "Jade Bone Yao" has not yet aired, if aired, then the ability to attract fans is not necessarily worse than the "afterlife", so that "love rivals The "love rival" will only be more and more. Now think about being Xiao war "girlfriend powder" can be really difficult, watching their "love rival" more and more, there is no way, but who let you like the Xiao war so good, by so many people like it? Now Gu Wei has slowly away from us, while the netizens for the time shadow of the great magistrate's voice is getting louder and louder, looking forward to this ancient handsome man can meet with us soon. So, "Jade Bone Yao" hurry up and set the file!
