Yang Zi's new drama has more than one million reservations, and the most...

The year 2022 can be described as a one of a kind year, this year's costume drama can be described as a hundred flowers, almost dozens of costume pending drama waiting to be released. The already aired dramas "Mirror Twin Cities", "First acquaintance with the gentleman", "Wish you well" and "And try the world" have also achieved good results. Another costume drama that is highly anticipated by the audience is "Shen Xiang Ru Crumb", a costume drama co-starring Yang Zi, Cheng Yi, Zhang Rui and Meng Ziyi. The two main actors are very famous, so the expectations of this drama is also particularly high, although we are very much looking forward to Yang Zi and Cheng Yi's cp, but many netizens straight out of the more expected instead of the drama of the female second Meng Ziyi. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. In this show Meng Ziyi and Cheng Yi relationship is very close, in front of the audience like a small couple, but then Meng Ziyi withdrew from this variety show, many viewers are very much looking forward to see the follow-up of the two of them. Meng Ziyi and Cheng Yi seem to be very good friends in the variety show, the two are almost inseparable in the variety show, Meng Ziyi also pretended to confess his love to Cheng Yi when he quit the variety show, the audience is very much looking forward to their follow-up development in their hearts. So many netizens were surprised to see Meng Ziyi and Cheng Yi working together on "Shen Xiang Ru Crumb", but there were also very many viewers who said they were looking forward to their reunion after five years. There are also many netizens for this cp took a very magical name, called "lack of virtue cp". The reason is that Meng Ziyi's reputation has not been very good, has been attacked and criticized by netizens, so many netizens do not want their love bean to work with her. Although Meng Ziyi's emotional intelligence is a little low, but also a straightforward, a little made, what to say what the northeast girl. And Cheng Yi's character is very dull, looks like an old cad, the two of them together in turn can rub out a different spark. I wonder if you are looking forward to the cooperation between Meng Ziyi and Cheng Yi?
