Cheng Yi and Yang Zi and Meng Ziyi meet at the same time. Mencius once c...

The ancient drama "Shen Xiang Ru Crumb", led by Yang Zi and Cheng Yi, has been gaining attention since the day it started shooting and is seen as a "scheduled hit" by the industry. The show is also a good fighter, won the distribution license issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, which means it can be scheduled for broadcast. It is really good that the show can be aired at the right time in the summer. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the "costume beauty" Yang Zi and the "costume beauty" Cheng Yi, who have never disappointed in their costume performance. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. When cooperating with "Qing Yun Zhi", both people did not have the status they have today. Yang Zi is better in the state of lukewarm, but there is still a big gap from the flow actress. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing. The two have their own plot lines in the drama, and the only interactions are group scenes, which inevitably require being in the same frame together. Despite this, they still got along well and became good friends after the drama was shot. As they have become popular in the past two years, by coincidence, the second pair of cooperation "sink fragrance like crumbs", become a point of interest in this drama. Now they have grown a lot, there will certainly be a different spark. The chemistry of their cooperation can be felt by looking at the preview alone, and it is worth looking forward to this drama. The company's resources are really good, on the other hand, Yang Zi is also looking at Cheng Yi's face, willing to "renew the relationship" with his old partner, taking the lead as the male and female. In addition to Yang Zi, the second female in this drama is Meng Ziyi, who is also working with Cheng Yi for the second time. The play as "Zhixie", the specific role set is not very clear, simply look at the shape is not bad, there are fairy air floating feeling. The first time Meng Ziyi and Cheng Yi worked together was in Hunan TV's variety show "Year One, University Season", when they both appeared as acting students to improve their acting skills through the guidance of their mentors. This is also the purpose of the show. In order to make the show interesting, the program team intentionally fried Meng Ziyi Cheng Yi, the pair of CP, especially in the fixed several episodes of the show, their frame together ambiguous picture is particularly much, the script traces not too obvious. The more daring is that the program presents the "female chasing male" scene. Meng Ziyi in the romantic campus night, while the lights are bright, boldly confessed to Cheng Yi said "I like you". This made Cheng Yi look confused and a bit overwhelmed at the time. In the face of this sudden confession Cheng Yi politely refused, and hugged Meng Ziyi as a sign of friendship. The reason why Cheng Yi refused Meng Ziyi is that he was intimidated by such a straightforward girl and also thought he couldn't handle Meng Ziyi. It's okay to be an ordinary friend, but it's almost meaningful to be a girlfriend. After many years, Cheng Yi has become a popular actor and Meng Ziyi has become a hot, topical actress. The topic is really full. Cheng Yi and the actress who rejected the second ride in the early years, will not be embarrassed? With his shy and shy character. In fact, the embarrassment will definitely be there, but it's the outside world that is embarrassed for them. Because since the end of "Year One", Cheng Yi and Meng Ziyi became good friends outside the program, and once photographed Cheng Yi became popular in the drama set, Meng Ziyi low-key to visit the class. So the two people do not feel any embarrassment, just good friends. But the outside world thinks that Cheng Yi politely rejected Meng Ziyi, after many years of cooperation again, some "old friends meet outside the eyes" meaning, give people the space to think about the wrong. This idea is unnecessary, for one thing, this confession should only be the script arrangement of the program team, Cheng Yi refused is also according to the script to carry out, is really a harmless thing; Secondly, even if there is no script, we are all adults, show of love rejected is nothing, the person concerned Meng Ziyi big-hearted character, and did not take it personally, long ago let it go! Since you are relieved, what's the point of being embarrassed? The end of Cheng Yi and Yang Zi second ride is the topic, and Meng Ziyi second ride is also the topic, this drama is a drama full of topic sense, the heat is not destined to be bad.
