Ranking of the popularity of the characters in the to-be-broadcast drama...

If you want to say what is the good news this time? Liu Yifei's new drama "Meng Hua Lu" is rumored to be scheduled for June 2 online this news can be one of the good news, and can see the "fairy sister" of the ancient gods face, Chen Xiao's ancient costumes never let people down, plus the three women group of inspirational persona, the trailer revealed is full of quality, no wonder some netizens said Even if the plot does not work he also want to chase. The other good news is that Li Yifeng's "Dark Walker" seems to have brought his acting skills back to life, and the new low rating of "Mirror Twin Cities" is not a small impact on Li Yifeng, so this suspenseful web drama is not on the air hot, but also a touch of worry about the male lead's acting skills. I didn't expect the drama to be full of good reviews after it aired, the suspenseful atmosphere sense is not only online but also "brain-burning", the quality of the drama does not lose the "duel", it looks like the Misty Theater is going to branch up again? Not only is the audience keen on the hit show, but those pending plays are also favored by the audience. After all, carry out which one, are hot + strength of the lineup, so let's look at the role of the role of the hot ranking: Yang Mi, Zhao Liying each 2, Ren Jialun new drama role into the winner. Yang Mi two modern drama heat disparity seems to be and Yang Mi cooperation of male actors, either out of the circle or burst fire, such as won the "change face acting" Zhao Yuting. Yang Mi's addition has been free publicity for the drama, and in recent years the cooperation are fresh meat, like the list in ninth place in the "thank you doctor" in the lonely beauty doctor Xiao Yan, the drama Yang Mi and with the work of the circle of Bai Yu partner, see the point is there, I do not know when the backlog of 2 years of this modern drama produced by Jiaxing can be scheduled. The other one is and hot but face value fluctuating Xu Kai partner of the "law of love two eight", Yang Mi played the role of red-lipped imperial sister Qin Shi won the third place in the hotness list, after all, Xu Kai compared to Bai Yu, slightly higher hotness, pending drama is one after another, while Bai Yu is gradually going in the direction of the right drama, the natural difference between the hotness of these two plays is quite a lot. The two ancient equipment of Yang Zi is expected to two big actors of the ensemble energy can be how big? The second star of "The rest of my life, please teach me more" has already illustrated the problem, there is no shortage of middle-aged viewers online, and even the audience who do not watch TV dramas are on the top of this drama chase, the same Xiao war and Yang Zi each separately is not low heat. The first is that the company's own preheated many times, but delayed not to file the "sink fragrance like crumbs", Yang Zi with "Yan light" this flower in the lovely fairy ranked eighth. The net rumor is that this costume will be scheduled in the summer, I wonder if the audience can see it earlier? Another is the goose factory S + level of the ancient masterpiece "Changxiang Si", only with the opening of the "Min Xiao Liu" makeup photos got the fourth position in the heat, it seems that the charm of the ancient costume is big. Zhao Lusi, hot, Xiao battle each a "and try the world" let Lusi try a silky smooth fight scene, but at the same time the rating of the play is also hard. The next few plays are also ancient costumes, modern themes have, she with the "Hutong" in the "Tian Zao" this cheerful and optimistic girl role to get the tenth place in the heat ranking, I expect a great possibility that this play to star broadcast, after all, the subject matter is also positive, but also selected for the Beijing key projects. The role of "Ren Anle" is also a frequent guest on the hotness list, the audience is knocking on the face of the hotba. Who doesn't like the strong atmosphere of Ren Anle? The same is true for Xiao Zhaogang, who has never missed a spot on the hotness list. I wonder if the official announcement of "Qing Yu Nian 2" will bring the name Yan Bing Yun to the top of the hotness list? The two dramas of Cheng Yi have a good ranking on the hotness list, but the roles are very contrasting. In the modern drama "South Wind Knows My Will", he is a researcher Fu Yunshen who researches drugs, and in the ancient drama "Shen Xiang Ru Crumb", he is the ruthless emperor Ying Yuan who has white hair and experiences calamity. I wonder if the audience is more looking forward to his costume or modern drama? Although Ren Jialun topped the list with "Twilight Heart" and "Sorrowless Ferry", which are some of the hottest plays to be broadcast, but the hottest is still the ancient "Invitation to the King", "Lu Yan", the role of the god of war for a thousand years, it can be imagined that this role must not be like the "under the jingyi" youthful, nor like the "Zhou Sheng like the old" elegant princes, but The cold-faced god of war with an air of murder. Which of these 10 characters do you like the most? Which drama are you looking forward to the most?
