Xiao Zhan, a 24-year-old amateur who "hit his face", Peter Pan mocking h...

I believe that most people have more or less understood that there was a program abroad, is to find their own in any corner of the world, no blood relationship, but look very similar to the people, because too much like a copy and paste. The 24 year old vegetarian guy "face" Xiao war said Xiao war, must be concerned about the entertainment industry are aware of, as the top flow of the entertainment industry nowadays, Xiao war in the online heat is very high, become the eyes of the fans of the "moonlight". The "white moonlight". The actual fact is that a 24 year old vegetarian guy, Jiu Yue, has received a lot of attention online because of his "face", and has attracted more than 400,000 fans, making him a famous netizen. The video released by Jiu Yue has a high resemblance to Xiao Zhan in terms of appearance, voice and attitude, even Xiao Zhan's trademark rabbit teeth he has. The actual fact is that the actual person is not only a person, but also a person who is not familiar with the actual person.  Nine months in the beginning of May, with a friend about to go to the garden to hang out, by the way, a set of photos to thank fans for his love. As soon as this video, which was only a dozen seconds long, went online, thousands of people gave him likes. Unlike the touting of the passerby fans, Xiao Fei Man, a fan of Xiao Zhan, mocked him in the comments for his low face value, which was not comparable to Xiao Zhan's at all, and even said that he and Xiao Zhan were "one is a western beauty, one is an eastern beauty", and that no matter how he imitated it, it was not comparable to Xiao Zhan after all. The reply is so relieving! I didn't expect Nine Months to choose silence and ignore the matter as everyone thought, but directly hard on the fans of Xiao Zhaogang, in the mockery of his comment, replied to him "you are a northern beggar, right". His reply made many netizens feel really relieved! The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. He was also abused by his fans for his wrongdoings, which then intensified to the point where almost everyone shouted at him, and countless netizens shouted at him to be banned and told to get out of the entertainment industry. Nowadays, although Xiao Zhan appears in front of the audience again, there are many black fans, the slightest wrongdoing will be caught to scold. I hope that Xiao war fans can learn from the previous lessons and not make the same things out as before.
