Xiao Zhandeng's English newspaper "Thestar", the black fan organization ...

Xiao Zhan has been featured in the Malaysian English newspaper, The Star! In this article titled "How Asian stars are gradually taking over the fashion world", it details the amazing Sell out effect that Xiao has brought to the brands after endorsing Zenith, Gucci, Todos and Nars, the international luxury brands. The four international luxury brand endorsement, Xiao Zhan is the highest title, the brand global synchronization official announcement also give enough spokesman row, Xiao Zhan with the brand on the world tend, fans and passers-by powerful purchasing power and publicity power, but also make the brand incomparable satisfaction. The company's business and growth experience is not overseas and can be generally recognized by the fashion industry, all of which is inseparable from the fact that Xiao has been solidly cultivating his work. At the same time, the black fans have not stopped moving to give Xiao and his team a hard time, they have not spared any effort. The black powder is a collective climax after "Xiao Zhangshengdian" is on the hot search, in fact, the marketing number that sent this message has been to expose the whereabouts of the stars to attract attention, sometimes even foreshadowing that there is a big melon that shakes the entire entertainment circle, but the result is the sound of thunder and the rain is small, the fiction is staggering, and this is certainly no exception. This time, the fans precisely beat the magic with magic, laying up under the hot search good to toothpaste promotional materials and the news that "the rest of life" will soon be broadcast on Shenzhen TV. When I finished the work at hand and clicked on that hot search to see, it was all about the work and endorsement posts, and the black powder's fire bowl picture and mouth spitting fragrance had been squeezed to the unoccupied corner to fend for themselves. The black powder also felt uninteresting, after which this reading more than 30 million H hot search seconds withdrawn. It is not a matter of disparaging and denigrating others to show how noble and clean they are. Look at these black fans, their own emotions and careers are in shambles, but they always depict themselves online, intentionally or unintentionally, as clothed and uncontested. The self-steaming early acting and box office blew out, however, how many previous lessons are plainly laid out there, film and television dramas one after another backlog, either not to try to become a martyr, or over the trial also many scruples afraid to schedule. The decline is so obvious, who does not say that if people do not have a minimum of fear, although the disaster has not arrived, the blessing is far away. The operation of the black powder will only inspire more fans to take action and give the black powder a head start on endorsement sales and data. The same day the official announcement of endorsement, Xiao war well come to the number of discussions more than 3 million, the original number of 88,000, two crushing black powder mouth flow with positive energy, the mainstream media stamped certified young people. The usual trick of black powder is not to serve to sue, but Xiao war has said, "Learn to get along with different voices, respect the right of everyone to speak." As a public figure standing in the public eye, he does not want to and does not care to tangle with those whose strength is obviously not on the same level as his. Xiao Zhan is using his own charisma and strength to earn his way forward, and keep correcting himself on the road to his dream, so that he has a broad, magnificent pattern of life! # Xiao Zhan super talk #
