CP fans have a clear brain hole, Xu Weizhou officially announced his mar...

Yesterday Xu Weizhou card point 13:14 official announcement of marriage, which was a thing that surprised and surprised fans, but also belonged to Xu Weizhou sweet and romantic, Xu Ding lifetime moment, but Wang Yibo was innocently sent to the hot search, really confused people. Xu Weizhou shot his first personal youth inspirational movie "gaming is also crazy" in 2015, then in 2016 starred with Huang Jingyu in the web drama "addicted" was known to the public, this drama also caused a lot of netizens' attention online. This drama is also considered the first domestic delayed CP works, this drama did not fire for a long time was officially shelved, but this does not affect Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu burst fire. And after the launch of this type of TV series like "Town Spirit", "Chen Eros", "Mountain River Order", etc., no doubt also create a lot of top stream stars, in these actors, why Xu Weizhou married, Wang Yibo has become the focus of attention? And the netizens are really thinking out of the ordinary. In fact, the root or age problem, Xu Weizhou 27 years old chose to get married, breaking the sweet fantasy of many CP fans, so there will be the phenomenon of everyone "crazy grab" Wang Yibo. It is really awkward and funny, and Wang Yibo in these several top flow is considered the youngest one, for career planning is also very clear. Compared with the other few, maybe one day suddenly official announcement, they can not afford this toss, directly turn to grab Wang Yibo. More funny is the message area are saying, Xu Weizhou 27 years old choose to get married, Wang Yibo is now only 24 years old, must be stable ah, after all, Wang Yibo has always been thunderous, belong to the action school, do things maverick, maybe he will be more violent than Xu Weizhou. At present, Wang Yibo is in the upgrade period of career transition, need more time to fight the cause, and the external evaluation of Wang Yibo mixed, controversial sound is also very big, but he is not affected by the outside world, only to devote themselves to their work, can really be said to be talented, strong. But if one day Wang Yibo suddenly announced, I do not know how many star-struck girls will be broken-hearted tears, after all, Wang Yibo's mother powder is also a lot of, estimated blessing sound also a lot. At this stage, I still hope that Wang Yibo can put his body and mind into his work, and I hope he can also harvest his happiness.
