The drama "Sauvignon Blanc" to be aired in the summer vacation is the he...

Plot Summary In the ancient times, people, gods and demons mixed, Shennong, Xuan Yuan, Gao Xin three kingdoms.  The Yellow Emperor's daughter, Xuan Yuan Wang Ji, placed her daughter, Gao Xin Jiu Yao, with the Queen Mother of Jade Mountain before she was killed in a battle between Xuan Yuan and Shen Nong Chi You.  Jiu Yao couldn't wait for her mother to come and pick her up, and she had misunderstandings about her father.  Jiu Yao escaped from the Jade Mountain and went through all kinds of hardships and eventually became a small doctor in disguise.  After a hundred years of hardships, Jiu Yao (Xiao Yao) not only loses her identity but also her looks and becomes Min Xiao Liu in Qing Shui Town.  At the same time, Xiao Yao's cousin Prince Xuan Yuan tinkling jade, even though he was living in a fence and hibernating, also traveled all over the wilderness to find Xiao Yao, and came to Qing Shui Zhen to find Xiao Tian. One day, Min Xiaoliu accidentally saved the dying Qingqiu Prince Tushan Jing, and their love grew; Min Xiaoliu and the nine-headed demon Xiangliu also did not fight, and became confidants. After several twists and turns, Min Xiao Liu and Jinkling finally meet and identify with Jinkling and regain their status as the king's wife.  Zhuan Xu, Jiu Yao's cousin, finally found her and took her back to her father, Emperor Jun, to clear up the misunderstanding back then.  She is not able to help Zhuan Xu to take back the throne of Xuanyuan, but in front of her true love for Tu Shan Jing and Xiang Liu, who are both like water and fire, she chooses the love of her country and fulfills her mother's wish of revitalizing the country. The tinkling of the thoughts can only put all his energy into governing the country, because he knows that as long as the world is at peace, his Xiaotian can be happy. Chang Si Si" has been highly anticipated since it started filming. Yang Zi, who previously burst onto the scene with the immortal drama "Fragrant Honey Sinking Ashes", is also the female lead in this drama. The previous immortal drama, Yang Zi's acting skills are really good, but also very suitable for the ancient immortal style look. And in terms of Yang Zi's national popularity, this drama is also a hit. Several male lead male supporting characters are also very good. Zhang Evening Yi's male lead tinkling jade, Deng for the male second degree Tu Shan Jing and Tan Jianji's male third head or nine head demon Xiang Liu evenly divided. These three male stars have good costumes and acting skills. Previously, Sandalwood Kenji also burst into flames with "Crime Hunting Illustrated". Acting is very good. Several other people's acting skills are also very good I think this drama can be expected up. However, recently because of the "long-awaited love" hair Yang Zi's poster controversial. Because the poster only Yang Zi. But because it is investment, so only Yang Zi's personal poster. I think it's still understandable. Relatively speaking, the most important thing about this drama is the female lead, right?
