Very happy! Xiao Zhan "sues black" and achieves two major victories! No ...

No one is a RMB and can be liked by everyone. A person can't pick bones from eggs even if he is good. In the entertainment industry, this light dazzling, materialistic in the place, the Ersatz, hook and line, intrigue, conspiracy, small war is staged every day, thinking about who to pit, ruin who, to beat others down, but really fake, fake real, no work, no real performance, when the lively past, the dust settles, leaving empty desolation. 01 Xiao battle is a dedicated actor and singer, but also a super hot top stream. Although it is a top stream is the least exposed top stream. Modest and low-key is the quality of Xiao Zhan, warm and sincere is his way of treating people. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. The good news is that Xiao has soothed the hearts of countless people with a ride, and all the evil words and actions are not going to cross, the legal train is slow, but has been steadily moving forward. 02 net violence is far away, but around Xiao's various violations, but has not been cut off. The journey to sue the black and beat the black has never stopped. The recent case about Xiao Zhan's interest infringement can be said to have achieved very good results, which is painful to feel. The company that illegally used the portrait and name of Xiao Zhan for publicity and promotion, and maliciously picturized the pictures taken by Xiao Zhan and his endorsement brand (Moxon), was ordered by the court to compensate Xiao Zhan 58,000 and 40,000 
, totaling 98,000 yuan. What a great pleasure. This illegal behavior, damage to the interests of others, must be firmly stopped, never condone. On the one hand, to maintain the normal order of business, on the other hand, to protect the rights and interests of artists from being violated, to stop this kind of thing group to follow suit, causing chaos, to play a good warning role.03 Another is the Xiao war agent Yu Wanqin sued black victory. This apologist has long been malicious and slanderous without knowing Yu Wanqin, causing bad influence. This person also pointed out to the studio all kinds of bad. I just want to say: in the network "fans" this skin is very good, but what they do but can not hide their true intentions, disregard for the bottom line of the law is bound to be punished. When the initial shouting how rampant, now apologize how humiliating. This is called more injustice will kill itself.04 In addition, the state has taken many measures to return the network to the clear, one of which is the abolition of the star ranking, thus avoiding a lot of rice circle strife. However, there is a policy at the top, there are countermeasures at the bottom, there are always people to achieve their own purposes, the top wind and up. Recently some inexplicable lists have appeared in the public eye. Male celebrities, female celebrities, various categories, various forms of ranking, so that the powder circle and no peace. One of them is on the hot search to attract attention. Xiao Zhaogang, the flow king, was used as an extra-atmospheric presence, occupying the ceiling. 05 This kind of crowd gathered together to rank, but also used the atmosphere, Zhu Mu Langma and other rather stimulating labels, immediately caused the fans of the crowd to discuss, people with ulterior motives also took advantage of the chaos to stir up trouble, with the intention of starting a fight. But fans have long been familiar with such battles, simply do not argue with people, with an overwhelming advantage, began to amenable handsome photos, video, once again the provocative hot search into amenable hot search, so that those who have a mind completely no temper. There are even fans who have made a big ranking of the role of Xiao Zhi, to focus on their own to the extreme, to roll us on the inside roll, roll to roll, are our own heat. Really witty and cute! But how Gu Wei is only the atmosphere? Not convinced, not convinced! Finally faint want to say: the abolition of the star ranking, is to allow everyone to be happy to follow the stars, to avoid unnecessary climbing, and also the network to clear. At the same time also make stars pay more attention to personal growth, the creation of works, but also a benign competitive environment within the entertainment. Xiao Zhan in this regard can be said to be the model of the new generation of artists, the powder circle can also be called a model of focus on their own. So good Xiao war, only with their own than, the moment than yesterday excellent, tomorrow to be more excellent! Go for it!
