Xu Weizhou officially announced his marriage at the age of 27, but Wang ...

Xu Weizhou suddenly officially announced his marriage, UNIQ Wang Yibo but innocent was sent to the hot search, really confused people! It is really not live to laugh, Xu Weizhou 27 years old official announcement of marriage, this is a surprise and unexpected thing, but we still say congratulations. As we all know, Xu Weizhou is familiar with the public's representative work, is a "delayed drama" "on - addiction", can be said to be aired, attracted a lot of attention. This is our first domestic delayed CP work, can be quickly harmonized away, but does not prevent Xu Wei Zhou and Huang - Jing Yu burst fire. Think about the delayed beauty drama after that, that is "town - soul", "Chen Eros Order", "Mountain River Order", undoubtedly all become a phenomenal work to create the top stream. More so, today's top stream in the world, basically all of them, in these few actors, why Xu Weizhou married, Wang Yibo has become the focus of everyone has focused on? Looked at the message area, really make people laugh, really netizen's thinking are not the ordinary way ah! It is reasonable to say that Xu Weizhou married, Huang - Jing Yu on the hot search is considered within the common sense, but this relationship with Wang Yibo, only a little, why the whole comment section, are grabbing children? Is it not good to get married? Many people say that the instant collapse of the room, I think these people, are CP powder, after all, only powder are blessed, sad are those who knock CP. But why are all in the comments section to grab Wang Yibo? And what does this have to do with him? With this question, picking up half a day, only to find a problem, that is, the age, Xu Weizhou 27 years old chose to get married, breaking all kinds of fantasies of CP powder, so there will be the beginning of the robbing of children. It's really a bit funny and embarrassing, Wang Yibo is now one of the youngest of these top streams, and the planning for the career is the clearest one. Compared to the other few, maybe one day suddenly official announcement, so they can not afford this toss, directly turn to grab Wang Yibo. More funny place is actually, message area are saying, Xu Weizhou 27 years old choose to get married, that Wang Yibo is now 24 years old, must be stable ah, after all, Wang Yibo belongs to the action faction, never do not say, do things in style is more maverick, maybe he came more violent! Really be this group of people to the whole funny, and even the comment section are beginning to battle up, a party to support Wang Yibo belongs to the career type, the progressive heart of the naked eye, absolutely will not let you down, those brainless people really open mouth will talk nonsense, simply do not understand the character of Wang Yibo. In these few, Wang Yibo is the most stable one, he suffered the most criticism is also the most, but can not resist the fact that the talent is outstanding, the strength to fight. Wang Yibo is now in the career transition and upgrade period, is the need to fight the cause of the time, the fans are more with the rhythm of flying, so it is, you grab Wang Yibo's reason is completely understandable. Finally, I just want to say, please do not bind Wang Yibo, let him alone beauty can be good? Let the boy go! But then again, if one day Wang Yibo really official announcement, I do not know how the star-crossed girls will feel, after all, Wang Yibo's mother powder numerous, it is estimated that the blessing is the most. Never mind, the happy thing is that most of us are watching Wang Yibo grow up, life events go with the flow, there will be that day, and I hope he can be happy! # Wang Yibo # Wang Yibo colorful blue and green dress, pronounced a sentence to receive vitamins it, attracting the attention of netizens
