Yang Zi and Cheng Yi's "Agarwood is like crumbs" are sadistic and call h...

The first part of the drama, "The Incense of the Crumb", has been rumored to take over from Wu Junyan and Qin Lan's drama "The Family", which is expected to start on June 24 in Youku, but it was intercepted by the costume comedy "My Name is Liu Jinfeng" by Spice Yoko and Li Hongyi, and netizens even broke the news that "The Incense of the Crumb" is divided into two parts, and only the first part has passed the audit, while the second part, "The Incense of the Crumb", has not passed the audit at all. The "incense like crumbs" also dare not broadcast, only to bear the pain of postponement, and have to wait until the end of July to have a new slot, so that a large number of fans screaming bitterly. The "fragrance like crumbs" is Yang Zi's ancient drama after 4 years following the "fragrant honey sinking ashes as frost", although she and her former boss "Huanrui Century" break up work, but and the new generation of male god Cheng Yi's first cooperation, just the footage let fans look forward to. The actual "A" is a very good way to get the most out of your life. "The money is all used in Cheng Yi? The actual "sunken incense" and "fragrant honey" are the heavenly Twins? The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're looking for. Although the broadcast of "Shen Xiang Ru Crumb" was postponed, fans waited until the official poster of her other costume masterpiece "Chang Xiang Si", which is still being filmed, but has been included in Tencent Video's 2022 film list, and the official only released her promotional photos, no doubt to show the outside world that this is a big female drama, and Yang Zi's ability is absolutely unquestionable, giving her enough face and platitude. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.
