Niu Hulu and Xiao Zhan: The long tail effect of public opinion, do you w...

The original accompaniment 04:14 from the night book "small transparent" became "Xiao actor". "Little fresh meat" has become "monk meat". "Flow star" became "positive energy idol". No breakage, no breakage, a big breakage. Xiao warfare of the blessing of the disaster, said plainly called the "complementary market". The actual fact is that it is a very good idea to have a good time. However, the "Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan" dragged the words of the princess: "This blessing to you, want? 01 can not wake up the pretend sleeper ︱ the protagonist is not present, the audience is deep into the play now is a media, users, brand relationship reconfiguration of the times. Internet users can be described as a generation living in a chaotic field, forming a unique touch media and consumption characteristics in the dynamic overlapping scenes. "Fans and geeks are the first to start using and adapting to new media, and the first to experiment with how to effectively use digital and mobile technologies." Fans are responding to idols in increasingly diverse ways, as consumers and as free word-of-mouth spreaders. While the purchasing power creates the volume of the network, the immersive pursuit of stars also makes people fall into the quagmire of "getting too deep into the drama". The actor is too deep into the scene, often a problem of performance technology, but also with the actor's performance experience. Why do fans also fall too deep into the scene when they follow the stars? The real emotions of star-crossing and virtual social overlap, the dramatic conflict rises and falls, the climax of instant gratification is constant, and the sense of self-efficacy is enhanced, which is like an actor entering the scene. Not to mention the fact that the Xiao war public opinion is so weird, tragic and unpredictable. All the way, the fans are really "win, I accompany you to the world; lose, I accompany you to rise again", it is difficult not to enter the scene! However, the rice circle is often too deep into the scene from the brainwashing package poisoning, because the lack of experience in the struggle and the perception of reality. This is the same reason why new actors are more likely to get too deep into the scene, not grasping the right proportion leads to excessive indulgence. The pressure brought about by the powder membership during the public opinion period leads some fans to bring their emotions to the public opinion afterwards. So much so that # experienced 2020 Xiao war fans mostly suffer from PDST # has simply become a rice circle topic. Those who are afflicted by this syndrome often point the finger at the person they hate when the truth is not known due to emotional discomfort. Whether or not the reason for the dislike is absurd. You can ask for the truth, but if you've been hurt by "something", you shouldn't use "something" to hurt others. Of course, the cultural background of entertainment emotion events, can not be separated from the media and public knowledge of the examination of ugly. The words to the famous, under the prestige of a chairman, a scriptwriter's flow is very popular. The reason for the criticism, in the name of "Weidao", "bell ringers", public opinion show to make capital. "If criticism is meaningless, then praise is worthless". The public knowledge of the self, but with a mercenary posture to laugh at; said abhor traffic, but by rubbing traffic to gain attention. The malicious targeting of Xiao war, its face is not only peer-to-peer jealousy and cynicism, but also reveals the traces of deliberate suppression. The suppression is inevitably precise, so the fans in the aggression and derived from the suspicion of those who are not suppressed. This harm transfer principle, similar to the psychology of the "kick the cat effect", is ultimately the suspect to carry all! Think of the "Magpie meets Marquis of Huan". If the initial event of the "purification of the victimization theory" is the instinctive victimization association, is "the king's disease in the coup, in the skin", at this time the persecution delusion is "the king's disease in the stomach, in the bone marrow". Network ascendants demand the so-called truth, even if the "clear" has shown that the root of the problem in the industry, even if the "suspects" are also officially stamped with a letter. The truth is too big for the paranoid to accept! Social public events are snowballing in complexity. It is not at all in the realm of the rice circle, but towards more than entertainment, culture, legal system, involving ideology and social governance. The truth is that if you want to clench the truth back into the rice circle, it is like "seeing the trees but not the forest". Society needs rational justice rather than pseudo-justice. People should have the righteousness to shoot for the three views, but also the rationality to refuse to be brought to the rhythm. "If you wrestle with an evil dragon for too long, you will become an evil dragon y
