The famous scene of Yan Danyingyuan's bridge jumping is finally here! Ya...

Yan light should be abyss jumping bridge famous scene finally came! Yang Zi new drama again to ferry forget the river, crying scene is too absolute last time Yang Zi ferry forget the river or for Deng Lun play small phoenix, in the "fragrant honey sinking ashes like frost" inside, this time Yang Zi again to ferry forget the river, but this time is in the "sinking fragrance like crumbs" for Cheng Yi play emperor Ying Yuan, in Meng Ziyi play sister Zhi Xie instead of themselves to become a big benefactor of understanding to save Ying Yuan, see the emperor and Zhi Xie interaction after the Yan light on Lost the lively and aura of the past, the whole person is depressed day after day. In the end, Yan Tan still leaked the thing that he was in love, facing the pursuers, she boldly reveal their feelings: you once said that if one day I moved, you will kill me with your own hands, now I have moved, why you still do not do it? Ying Yuan's men heard this feeling treacherous, and wanted to do it, Ying Yuan immediately blocked: do not move her! See still indifferent emperor, broken hearted Yan Tan questioned: you are the emperor, you have walked through the three worlds for ten thousand years, is there no one anything to make your heart move, want you to get rid of this heavenly bondage? Rationalist emperor: Yan Tan, the answer you want is not as important as your life, do you understand? Stubborn faction Yan Tan: But I want to know this answer now. Escapist Ying Yuan: I have promised my heart to the people of China, I can no longer tolerate other. Yan Tan is discouraged: incense burning brightly, ashes scattered endlessly, the former dust empty broken intestines, love is useless. Here the lines are "incense like crumbs" the play's title, two people in love under the harsh rules of heaven can not confide in the heart, the two have been deeply in love, one only wants an answer, one wants the other to live well, but unfortunately for the woman, would rather be self-destructive for love rather than accept a dismal answer. Then came the famous scene of Ying Yuan Yan light jumping off the bridge, this moment of Yan light heart like death, face determined, let people pity, in Yan light jumped not long, the emperor also followed down, he found Yan light, and save her. Yan light: when I jumped off the moment of no bridge, I have been prepared for nine lives, if there is a ray of hope to live, then I will forget you, forget the love, start over, you dare not admit I want you to remember, you owe me a love, as compensation, I want you to see me into the night forgetting the river, see with my own eyes I will forget you. Yang Zi this section of the crying scene is too great, the lines are actually a bit hard, but Yang Zi in the mood to deal with the spot, light tone accent with a very good, so let originally a bit in the two lines immediately smooth, turned to face the forgetfulness of the moment, tears immediately fell, let people heartache, and in Yan light towards the forgetfulness of the river, Ying Yuan will also look over, eyes are red, spreading are love and heartache. Every time I look at Yang Zi play crying scene always can not bear to see, acting too good empathy ability is too powerful, let people have a very sense of immersion, love but not too sad, but this is also the status quo of many people, sometimes instead of seeking an answer, why not relieve themselves to start over, because many times there is no answer or because not enough love, enough love is to exclude all difficulties to come together.
