The fan group of the protagonist of "Star Man is Splendid" was dissatisf...

#The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The main reason for this is the fact that the company's business is not a good one. The actor himself was even substituted into it, so much so that some people rejected Zhao Lusi and made some attacks from time to time. The controversy over the role of the play is even greater in addition to the male and female lead, there is also the role of Cheng Shaosheng's mother Xiao Yuan Yi played by Zeng Li, which has received a lot of attention. Ling does not doubt the public marriage proposal, give enough Cheng Shaoshang security, Cheng Shaoshang mother but in front of the emperor and women said Shaoshang crude and unworthy of high climbing, in front of everyone to their own daughter degraded worthless, see here netizens all can not help it, called out: today is also the day by Xiao Yuan Yi gas! The first episode of Shaoshang grew up to meet the first look did not rush up to hug their daughter not seen for many years, and has been feeling Shaoshang naughty, forcing their daughter to do things they do not like, only the face of the high and mighty, harshly reprimanded rant. But whether it is Cheng Shaoshang or Xiao Yuan Yi, how to get angry again is only the role set, and the actor can only show according to the characteristics of the character, generation too deep is really not very necessary. On the other hand, Wu Lei's Ling Bu Doubt was also favored by many viewers, but due to the pressure of public opinion, he was dragged into the whirlpool of public opinion for no reason. There are fans published in the drama character image does not reflect the situation outside the drama, as a way to ease the dispute, and with the flow of time such negative comments are slowly reduced, the audience friends also hope that this drama can again go to the hit. With this drama at the same time in the broadcast of Yang Zi starring in the "incense such as crumbs" is also in the hot broadcast, by the praise is not comparable with the "Star Han Splendid", so eight poles do not have a relationship between the two TV series, and their fans actually argued, and even compared with the two plays, to compete, and the actors who starred in the two plays is also no reason to be involved, it seems that this is not only a contest between the heat, but also a "house master". It is not only a competition between the heat, but also a battle between the "head of the family". The two dramas are different, and the competition between the ancient and immortal dramas is peculiar, and the competition between the fans of the two actors is hot, no one will let anyone, they all want to fight for a seat in the competition for the head of the family, some fans even use speech attacks to discredit the actors, there are also the majority of people think that the competition for the hot list should not use those improper means, but in fact, it is not necessary to fight a you and me. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the drama and spend your time without disturbing each other. Before this by Dili Hotba, Wu Lei, Zhao Lu Si co-starred in the "Long Hate Song" is also continued to be hot for a period of time, deeply loved by the majority of netizens. For hotba and Lu Si to compete for the female lead, their fan groups also fought, both believe that the other female lead is not worthy of the male lead, thus the quarrel lasted for some time. Now that the popularity of "Star Han Splendor" is increasing, negative comments are gradually appearing, and some of the actors are also slandered, whether this is the revenge of the "Ba fans", or the true evaluation of the drama? For many people, it may be that this drama is too hot, because there are many people who want to lower it review, and there may be some retaliation for it. At present, "Star Han Splendid" this drama accounted for the film and television status also ranked among the top, I look at the drama, the real comments can be published, but if malicious to target, this behavior to minimize, if the drama is what you really imagine, then the audience will give the answer.
