Yang Zi and Cheng Yi combined to promote the new drama, but they were op...

The new drama of Yang Zi and Cheng Yi has continued to climb in overall popularity since it started, although it is accompanied by some netizens' trolling. In this situation, the producer also wants to strike while the iron is hot, let Yang Zi and Cheng Yi together to promote the new drama, and add another fuel to the new drama's heat boost. The idea was strongly opposed by fans, many of whom left messages in the comments section of the studio, asking the studio to reject the idea of Yang Zi and Cheng Yi promoting the new drama together, even if the joint live broadcast is not possible. For two people together to promote the new drama, Yang Zi's fans why so opposed to it? To say the reason is complicated, from the feedback of netizens, one of the direct reasons is that fans are not optimistic about this drama. For fans, if a drama is not expected to be good, it is obviously beneficial to reduce the heat of their own idols in the drama. As for why they are not optimistic about this drama, that is benevolent. Previously, a netizen broke the news that after the play started, the producer quietly adjusted the play's position, originally Yang Zi was one, after adjusting Cheng Yi became one, it is said that this move is mainly for Cheng Yi's next new play publicity considerations. The actor's position in the play has always been particularly important to fans, the producer's operation is inevitably suspicious of favoring one over the other, which obviously led to the dissatisfaction of Yang Zi fans. In addition, there are netizens exposed another reason why Yang Zi's fans opposed to the joint promotion of the new drama with Cheng Yi. It is not uncommon for male and female actors to promote new dramas together. Previously, Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan had been on the same stage to promote their new dramas, but there was a disharmonious scene, in front of a crowd of media, Cheng Yi somehow directly to Yuan Bingyan cold face, so the woman was very embarrassed. Of course, netizens think that if Cheng Yi and Yang Zi together to promote, he would not dare to treat Yang Zi like this, after all, curry and hotness is currently not on a level. But this incident at least shows that the other party is not a good person to get along with, if Yang Zi and him together to promote, it is inevitable that something will go wrong, not afraid of one thing is afraid of one thing. In fact, if you put aside the battle for position, Yang Zi and Cheng Yi together to promote Yang Zi is also a benefit. In the drama before the start of the news that Yang Zi and Cheng Yi for the drama are extra attention, are holding their breath to do a big job in the promotion, after all, both sides have been a long time no breakthrough drama. If the two together again to the new drama to add a firewood, for both sides is a win-win. Anyway, fans are an inseparable part of celebrity idols, how to deal with the relationship between the demands of the producers and the voices of the fans is a difficult problem for celebrity idols, especially when the demands of the producers and the voices of the fans contradict each other, more test the wisdom of celebrity idols. Of course, if fans can fully respect their own idol's choice, it must be a very happy result for the love bean.
