A Chaoyue Yang cheongsam is too beautiful, as if crossing the Republic o...

Dang! Dang! Dang! As the rain fell during the night, Chongqing's temperature dropped a dozen degrees, back to twenty-seven or twenty-eight degrees, no longer need to blow air conditioning all day to renew life, haha.

The head also awake a lot, began to create dressing dry goods, this issue to share with you all a spring type of girl type representative Yang beyond.

Because her cheongsam styling is too beautiful, as if she had traveled to the Republic of China, such as a rich girl as senior aristocratic, but also not lack of sweet feeling, first to a beautiful photo blitz, like walking out of the painting.

Do not look at this is the art photo shoot, put the usual wear is also possible.

There is also the fact that I previously gave you that there are some common places between the girl type and the natural type, Yang beyond also gives the perfect answer, her set of ethnic wind photo is also very good-looking ha.

But I still want to warmly suggest a, although good-looking please do not imitate, because behind the good-looking are similar laws, that is, in line with the spring type of color law and the girl type of selection law.

I am the image design fly, take you to analyze the celebrity celebrity fashion modeling, find dressing inspiration to become beautiful and good-looking, the following please come with me to analyze Yang beyond the color season type and dressing style it.

01 beauty is to be yourself

After seeing a lot of vegetarian transformation, it is inevitable to leave a stereotypical impression that if you want to become beautiful, you must choose to have an amazing effect like a head change.

In fact, the beauty in life is not like this, but according to your innate genetic characteristics, to find the color and style that can embellish it, to be the most real self.

For example, the heroine of this issue, Yang beyond, her skin tone is ivory white, eyes like glass beads transparent and clear, according to the four seasons color theory, this skin tone belongs to the spring-type skin tone, the most suitable for wearing a warm base of bright color group. ↓

Not very suitable is some darker colors, such as black, even with very thick makeup, still makes Yang beyond the look looks very tired, like not well rested, the whole person is down. ↓

Another reason is that her style is also not suitable for this style, Yang beyond the outer contour is rounded, giving the impression of childishness, belonging to the eight dressing styles of women in the girl type style, suitable for dressing younger feminine some. ↓

The less suitable dress is too mature and neutral, masculine dress, as shown below in the red halter dress, it gives too mature feminine, it seems that she has a kind of premature entry into the land of the wind and dust. ↓

So the principle of becoming beautiful is actually very simple, is to let the flower become a flower, let the tree become a tree, let you become you.

But the road to beauty, there are very many temptations, which requires you to sharpen your eyes to recognize them.

02 away from the temptation of "fake women"

Whether it is on TV or books or, are emphasizing one thing, that is, to be a woman to change, in order to deal with life with ease.

But there is a phrase behind a hundred different women, many people have ignored, that is, "a hundred changes do not leave its clan", the image aesthetics of the "clan" is your skin color and style.

Yang beyond its own skin tone is warm white skin, driving yellowish tone white is easy, but driving pure white, that is, cold white, will seem very far-fetched without texture. ↓

The other thing is that her facial features are not high, and there is little sense of contour and line in the frontal view, so she can only manage some light to medium color, and a large area of too bright color is not manageable, easy to take over. ↓

Style Yang beyond belongs to the type of small curves, easy to fall into the delusion of a large woman, feel their aura is too small, to find some aura strong clothes, the result is a small skeleton simply can not hold up. ↓

There is also the own look is very sweet, but also eager to cool feeling, the girl type is not unable to go sweet cool route, but completely give up sweet, only go cool, but also can only be a person was clothes wear. ↓

The wrong approach can only make your beauty discount, but also because you can't find yourself, in the dressing confidence to take a hit, and over time will produce how to wear are not beautiful inferiority complex.

The right approach is, on the basis of their existing, appropriate to do addition and subtraction, the more through the beauty of the more through the confidence.

03 to do to do "a hundred changes" of the woman

Based on the previous analysis, we know that Yang is a spring-type color and girl-type style, so pay attention to retain this feature in the dressing.

For example, the blue one-piece jeans in the picture below are suitable for her dress, originally blue is on the cold side, but when its purity is reduced, its cold side properties will be weakened and become neutral, so it is not difficult to manage the warm skin. ↓

Similar principle can also be applied to the cold purple, when the purity of purple is reduced, the color of the cold properties will be weakened, the warm skin of the sister will be better to manage. ↓

How to extend their own style? This is to start with partial style, girl type style has four neighbors, respectively, teenagers, natural and elegant and small romantic, theoretically can be extended, the general principle is to combine their own characteristics.

For example, the following outfit, a black top with a white skirt is not exactly a teenage girl's style, but a teenage girl's bias towards teenage style. ↓

There is also the following cheongsam plus blue feather half skirt, if the cheongsam alone is a girl's style, but adding a small area of bright colors and feathers, and transparent material, there is a sense of romance. ↓

Do not create other styles when hard to move, but to choose a few elements that can represent the style, combined with their own characteristics, so that they blend into one, in order to achieve a true "woman of change".

In the end.

Character style and dressing style can be directly equated is true, but still need to combine your age, body, personality, work, life environment to determine, in addition to look good also consider appropriate.

But dressing style can not be equal to the character style, but based on the character style, combined with the actual situation to change.

For example, you are a teenager type, theoretically wear small pants, pipe pants look good, but you are the type of thick legs, then change to the umbrella skirt is good, give the feeling of elegance.

But for the elegant type, the umbrella skirt is not a good choice, the sarong is.

This is the practical use, as if the horse has four legs, but four legs of not one is a horse, never put the cart before the horse, yo ~
