Inventory of Yang Zi's 6 good brothers, the last one is a pity, why is X...

Inventory of Yang Zi's 6 good brothers, in addition to these few, you know who else? Lively and lovely Yang Zi, acting skills are getting better and better, after contributing a lot of explosive TV series, but also more and more popular! Yang Zi's good people in the entertainment industry is famous, she is kind and righteous, sunny and cheerful, so she has also gained a lot of good buddies. It is said that Yang Zi has the potential to prosper the male lead, and every male lead who has partnered with her has been on fire. Among these good brothers of Yang Zi, there are several of them, once with Yang Zi filming together rumors, but unfortunately are Yang Zi issued a statement to deny it! The most unfortunate is this one, did not expect them to just brotherhood, you guess who he is? Let's take a look, who are Yang Zi's good brothers? The first one: Zhang Yishan. This does not need too much introduction, I think we all know, Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi from childhood together with the shooting "family children", can be described as childhood friends, although it is hair, but the two of them are not electrostatic, Yang Zi in front of Zhang Yishan unrestrained, the two often dislike each other fight, Zhang Yishan said, Yang Zi is his life will guard the person! Despite this, but the relationship between the two of them is only good brothers only! Second: Li Xian. It is said that Yang Zi and Li Xian have known each other for a long time, because the two of them are still in the same class in college. The two of them have been in the same class since they were in college. Yang Zi and Li Xian worked together on the TV series "Dear Love", in which their performance was really sweet, many netizens brainstormed love images, but they were eventually denied by Yang Zi. And Li Xian also with this TV series, quickly became a popular popular young fire! Since it's not a couple, it's better to be a good brother! Third: Ren Jialun. Yang Zi and Ren Jia Ren two people are good friends, they worked together to shoot two very good-looking costume TV series "Jin Yi World", "Heavenly Medium of the White Snake", they both have very good acting skills, it can be said that in the entertainment industry are top excellent, Ren Jia Lun because of the acting strength online, when he announced that the children can play soy sauce, fans still continue to support him as always, as for his The wife of who, we are not very clear, but one thing is, he almost zero scandal! And our goddess Yang Zi between just good brothers! Fourth: Liu Xueyi. Liu Xueyi and Yang Ziyi together with several TV series, Liu Xueyi in the drama are supporting roles, and some roles are also Yang Ziyi lining, just a short time ago in the hot search, someone exposed Yang Ziyi and Liu Xueyi together to celebrate their birthday to eat cake, Yang Ziyi first time immediately issued a text to disprove the rumor. The actual fact is that you'll be able to find out more about the actual actual actuality that you're going to be able to get a good deal on. Some netizens said, fortunately only rumors, after all, the netizens heart Yang Zi's ideal object is not Liu Xueyi! Fifth place: Niu Junfeng. Niu Junfeng in the entertainment industry is considered a very young male artist, he has convinced a lot of viewers with his acting skills, perhaps everyone knows Zhang Yishan worked with Yang Zi "Family Children", but we know that Niu Junfeng also played the role of "Family Children"? But because Niu Junfeng was just a supporting role, and not much popularity, so many people do not know, but now he is finally a little famous, finally made a head! It is also because of the "family" this TV series, Niu Junfeng and Yang Zi also became a very good brother. Sixth: Xiao Zhan. Yang Zi and Xiao battle together with "the rest of life, please teach more", in the play, across the screen we can feel between the two of them full of love, it is too sweet too sweet! Once where there is a girl if and Xiao war rumors, Xiao war is the first time to issue a statement to clarify, but this time, the scandal with Yang Zi he let everyone guess, just when everyone thought Xiao war and Yang Zi is really fake, everyone thought Xiao war is tacit approval of the relationship, Yang Zi direct voice to deny the scandal with Li Xian and Xiao war. For the netizens, is really very optimistic about Yang Zi and Xiao war, hope they can be together, did not expect Yang Zi not only clarify the scandal with Li Xian, and even directly Xiao war also together to deny, really too too too bad! The original thought, shy in front of the Xiao war, Yang Zi, Xiao war should feel different, did not expect her also just Xiao war as a good brother! May the soon to be 30-year-old Yang Zi soon find the heart of Prince Charming. Time flies, a wink, Yang Zi is about to 30 years old. In fact, Yang Zi is a very traditional girl, originally Yang Zi is hoping to get married before the age of 30, now looking at the age of 30, after experiencing two fee
