Please don't spread rumors about Xiao Zhan's whoring, Xiao Zhan has two ...

Recently, the acting entertainment circle because of Li Yifeng extravagant and degenerate, many times nasty prostitute indiscretion, was detained by the Beijing police, the alarm within the entertainment circle, everyone is in fear, Wang Yibo was also job black rumors of prostitution, involving Xiao war. Here, I hope that the fans who love Xiao war audience, to polish their eyes, focus on their own, do not scurry around and cause trouble, to avoid being some people with bad intentions to use, to Xiao war add blockage and trouble. Xiao Zhan did not do anything sorry to anyone, just take the nasty behavior of prostitution, in Xiao Zhan simply will not happen, it is simply nonsense. Those who are afraid of the world's chaos of the job black, you plotting mischief as intended to play the wrong, Xiao war clean, from the vegetarian debut so far, so many years, by the job black pick up all over, also did not pick up any point about Xiao war real black material and misbehavior, online all false rumors are the job black malicious fabrication out of right and wrong. Now the job black and change the pattern out of things, and thought you can conceal the sky over the sea, but did not expect but hard to slap their own face. There are some dirty words on the internet, not Xiao Zhan's words at all, but some job black registered an account similar to Xiao Zhan's name, malicious comments, self-directed, trying to plant the blame on Xiao Zhan, the purpose is to ruin Xiao Zhan's good reputation and popularity, this kind of job black is really abominable, lawless. Since the 227 incident, the fans who love Xiao Zhaogang have been much more mature and stable than before, and have learned to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and will not be easily instigated to sow discord and bring rhythm. No matter what happens, you have to face it openly, and, learn to get along with different voices and accept well-intentioned criticism, so that you can grow and progress better. But for those who work black one after another to make something out of nothing, malicious rumor-mongering behavior, no matter how, will be pursued to the end, also Xiao war a clean and fair. It's worth mentioning that Xiao Zhan "Jade Bone Remote" and "The Sea of Dreams" two new plays will soon be broadcast, please look forward to. Many times, you do not look at the surface of the Xiao battle, all the way to smooth sailing, in fact, behind this Xiao battle every step are difficult. So, while doing brand advertising endorsement; while shooting new drama to enhance their influence in the circle, to get more well-known seniors and directors appreciation and recognition, in order to get more opportunities for development, meet more like-minded contacts. However, what is puzzling is why Xiao is being maliciously slandered by rumors, while the wow gold agency is indifferent and unconcerned, neither issuing articles to clarify for Xiao, nor caring about the development of Xiao. And, every time you encounter any public opinion storm, all the clarification and disinformation work, are Xiao war studio and fat shrimp exclusive opinion thin in doing, so it seems that people can not help but feel chilled about the wow wow agency. Since the wow gold and wow brokers are not justice for Xiao war, then why do you want to play in the guise of Xiao war, blatantly say that Xiao war is still the company's artists! Many fans of the audience finally dawned on them, why Xiao war to wait until after 35 years old and then get married, is waiting for the expiration of the contract with the wow wow brokerage company, when the debut, wow wow brokerage company training and packaging their debts to pay off, everything can be relieved. No wonder, Xiao war studio issued a text saying, "Please take care of everyone, the future road we go together." At that time to see this news, I believe that many fans who love Xiao war audience, will cheer for Xiao war, because Xiao war finally do not have to be subject to arbitrary manipulation, can be free to do what they want to do in name! The new drama "Jade Bone Remote" and "The Sea of Dreams" will probably meet with you at the end of October, when you can pay attention to the latest news and learn the specific air time. I hope that Xiao Zhan will continue to be an inspirational idol with high moral character, pure outlook, hard work, optimism and self-confidence, and deliver positive energy.
