Yang Zi's "Famine Years" Self-Rescue Guide

With the opening week passing in a more or less uneasy manner, the summer season of 2022 has officially come to an end. As the last of the four recent popular puppet dramas to close, "Shen Xiang Ru Crumb - Shen Xiang Chong Hua" (hereinafter referred to as "Shen Xiang") continues the summer heat to the last moment and shows full "after strength", which is expected to form a long tail of heat. As an ancient puppet type drama with good market response, "Shen Xiang" can be said to be a work that can meet the expectations of producers and viewers, but many hidden worries and criticisms also exist objectively. For example, there is no shortage of voices expressing "pity" for Yang Zi, the star of the drama. In the opinion of these voices, Yang Zi in recent years, "a year a sweet drama" of a single type of output has been aesthetically fatiguing, and now is in the immortal, ancient even a full load of track "inside the volume", not only difficult to bring surprises to the audience, the development of the actor himself It is also an additional delay for the actors' own development. Putting aside the fans' "concern for their idols" and the disconnection brought about by external perspectives, the discussion sparked by "Shen Xiang" and Yang Zi deserves attention not only because of Yang Zi herself, but also because of its universal significance: in the post-epidemic era and the background of the contraction of the film industry, those young actors who have initially proved their strength and market appeal In the post-epidemic era and the contraction of the film and television industry, how should young actors who have initially proved their strength and market appeal choose their projects and how should they face their performances in order to seek further development and breakthroughs while maintaining their popularity and word-of-mouth stability? The year 2022 marks the third year of the "new crown year" for humans, and although the code names and characteristics of the strains have changed over and over again, the attacks on the film and television industry are as persistent and intense as ever. According to a report released by CatEye Research Institute, despite increased investment in incentives and operations, the major platforms were unable to stop the trend of significantly fewer high-profile dramas in 2021, and the headline dramas were less popular and less well-received than in 2020, with no annual breakout hits. According to the annual statistical bulletin released by the National Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 2021, China's annual TV series production had declined for three consecutive years in terms of both the number of parts and the number of episodes. Statistics from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) show that the number of organizations that obtained a TV series production license (Type A) in 2021-2022 was only 41, a 44% decrease compared to 73 in 2019-2020. 2022, the film and television industry was "awarded" a new seal of approval and was included in the 17 The list of "special hardship industries" that need help ...... actors seem to be the most visible focus of the industry, but they are still an ordinary part of the entire industry production chain, feeling all the chill from upstream. In the current context, in the story and role type selection, compared to explore the new track, building a firm has been tested by the market "basic plate" is undoubtedly a more rational choice. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. What's more, under the impact of the post-epidemic era, the increasing anxiety and fatigue of the young urban audience has been transformed into a growing rigid demand for "sugar". Combined with these backgrounds, Yang Zi's choice to continue to plunge into the field of sweet pet drama is understandable. The data performance from the "incense", this choice has received a positive feedback from the market, so that Yang Zi continues to occupy a place in the head market, which is perhaps not the most surprising result for an actress in the prime of development, but is also a necessary step towards the future development to do what should be done, to sincerity and craftsmanship reflects the value of course, building a solid base does not mean lying flat in the comfort zone. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the subject matter that you and the audience are familiar with, whether or not you can keep your original intention and do a good job of interpreting and interpreting the role, you can still see the quality of an actor, and the potential value of the high or low. Yang Zi's performance in "Shen Xiang" can be a testament to actresses facing a similar dilemma: despite the fact that the plot and characters are hardly new, Yang Zi's sincerity in character building can still be seen through the amount of detail that she has put into her research and design. For example, 
