A summary of the honors received by Xiao Zhan's "Trilogy", the number of...

Recently, the official release of the classic "trilogy" starring Xiao Zhan created a summary of honors, after reading it, I had to feel the influence and strength of Xiao Zhan, the ratings championship more than a hundred times, which shows how popular Xiao Zhan is in the hearts of the audience. In addition, Xiao starred in the "Chen Eros" also created history, "cat's eye" peak first, this data has been high profile to create history, no one before, after the possibility of very little. It is reported that Xiao Zhao starred in the "Chen Love Order", "Douluo Continent" and "Ace Force" three works, are the young actor Xiao Zhao to get a good play, here let's summarize into Xiao Zhao's "trilogy", these three plays to get a lot of honor, the number of ratings championship has been more than a hundred times, this is not just a casual achievement. This is not a casual achievement. On the other hand, the "Chen Ying Ling" has created history, and is also Xiao Zhan's "out of the loop" work, can come out of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo two top stream, classic degree speaks for itself. From the reaction of the fans, we have sent congratulatory messages to Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan as the strength of the actor, in most cases, to get the honor and reward, and the work related, this is a phenomenon that fans and Xiao Zhan hope to see. I do not know actor Xiao Zhan's classic work there are many, "the rest of life please teach more" and even the possible "Jade Bone Yao" and "dream of that sea", the audience's expectations are particularly high. In short, congratulations to actor Xiao Zhan, I hope Xiao Zhan continues to carry his dream and his original heart, ride the wave, go forward and be invincible. No matter what time it is, don't give up, there is strong support from the fans behind Xiao Zhan, this attitude will not change. The future is promising, and I look forward to Xiao's next good drama to be aired sooner.
