After leaving Huanrui, Yang Zi's new drama failed to win, and Ren Jialun...

Foreword It is understood that Ren Jialun and Yang Zi are about to usher in a second ride, playing the male and female lead in the ancient even drama "Big Business". Many netizens saw it and also said that they were really looking forward to the broadcast of this drama. The second male and female are also very familiar actors, Chen Xiaoleng as well as Liu Rylin are also very good strength actors. This is a powerful cast that will certainly bring a lot of heat and interest to this drama. Nowadays, when it comes to Ren Jialun, we may not be unfamiliar with him. He has also brought us a lot of excellent works. Like "The Glory of the Great Tang Dynasty", "Under the Golden Cloth", "Blue Flame Assault", "Zhou Sheng Ru Ru", "First acquaintance with the gentleman", "Invite the gentleman", etc., also left us a very deep impression, and his face and acting skills have been unanimously recognized by everyone. And every actress he worked with, the face and acting skills are very outstanding. Like Jing Tian, Tan Song Yun, Dili Hotba, Li Qin, etc., all brought us a lot of surprises. The most recent news is that Ren Jialun is about to take on a new drama, "Big Business", and this news instantly aroused the attention of countless netizens. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are looking for a good deal more than just a few of these. Among them, Yang Zi was bursting to lead the female lead, Ren Jialun played the male lead of the drama. It is understood that this drama is a costume drama, adapted from the novel of the same name by Zhao Zhiyu, mainly about the hot-blooded teenager Gu Plain was framed during the imperial examination, exiled by mistake, opened a long business life, and finally build a business empire story. From the plot alone, this drama is extremely similar to the style of "Qing Yu Nian". There is no excessive crossing component, also is to give a more realistic feeling. A lot of netizens are also saying that as long as the plot passes, this drama will become a hit. We can easily see that with the addition of Ren Jialun, it will certainly add a lot of points to this drama. The most impressive ones are Bai Lu and Yang Zi, and Yang Zi's acting skills have been recognized by everyone. Whether in ancient costume or acting, all bring a different experience, she played each role is also left us a very deep impression. A lot of netizens for this reason are saying that Yang Zi and Ren Jialun really have a very CP sense. In addition, the acting skills of Bai Lu, we are also witnessed. It is also able to convey the depth of meaning of each role through the eye play, in terms of acting skills is also recognized by everyone. But many viewers still hope that Yang Zi can and Ren Jialun to play, after all, Ren Jialun has worked with Bai Lu many times, and then continue to partner I am afraid that the audience will give aesthetic fatigue. The excellent works that Yang Zi has brought us in the past few years are not few, like "Ode to Joy", "Fragrant honey sinking ashes like frost", "Dear Love", "The rest of my life please teach me more", etc. have left us a very deep impression. This time, Yang Zi and Ren Jialun second match, will certainly bring a lot of heat and see to this drama. The main cast is so large, the strength of the supporting cast is also not to be underestimated. The net rumor is that the second male of this drama has been set as Liu Rylin and the second female as Chen Xiaocheng. Previously, in "Miss Crow and Mr. Lizard", Liu Rui Lin and Ren Jialun had a cooperation. This time, in the drama "Big Business", it will definitely bring us more surprises and points to watch. Previously, Chen Xiaoluang and Ren Jialun also cooperated in "Blue Flame Assault", and on the contrary, they became Ren Jialun's suitor in the new drama. Many netizens for this reason even said that they are very much looking forward to the broadcast of this drama. Netizen comments comment 1: super hope that they two hitches, to make up for the "Heavenly Medium" regret. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The first thing that I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I want to do. Comment 4: I prefer Bai Lu and Ren Jialun to play, Yang Zi plastic surgery is too outrageous. Comment 5: Looking forward to Ren Jialun and Yang Zi second ride, the two are good friends, will be a big explosion of drama. Comment 6: I would like to know is true or false, very much looking forward to her two second ride. I think first of all, I think Ren Jialun is a very good strength actor, whether it is the face or acting skills are very good, before and after is also for everyone to bring a lot of excellent works, each role is also his interpretation is very in place. In the recent "Please King", the role of Lu Yan also brought us a lot of surprises, and this time with Yang Zi's second match is bound to bring us a different viewing experience. Secondly, I think Yang Zi is also a very strong actress, is also to bring us very good works. For example, in the "Ode to Joy", "fragrant honey sinking ashes like frost", is also through their own superb acting skills, successfully conquered a lot of viewers, more let us all see a different "small monkey purple". I have to say, Yang Zi is really a very rare actor, each role is also left us a very deep impression. If this time with Ren Jialun ushered in the second ride, I am still very much looking forward to the broadcast of this drama. All in all, Ren Jialun and Yang Zi is also very CP sense, 2 people's cooperation is also to us all brought a lot of surprise, before and after playing the role is also left us a very deep impression. Now it is rumored that in the "big business" again ushered in the second ride, I am still very much looking forward to the broadcast of this drama, but also more look forward to 2 people in the drama of the wonderful performance.
