Xiao Zhan's "Time Shadow" was forced to open for business? Fans complain...

Recently, the Xiao war "time shadow" was forced to business, online a batch of "time shadow" hand-me-downs, in fact, completely unnecessary, because the Xiao war himself temperament and image, hand-me-downs completely unable to reach. It is worth mentioning that even the fans have seen that there is no need, truly too ugly, hand-me-downs simply can not dry real Xiao war, even less than one ten thousandth. It is reported that the new role of Xiao war in the "Jade Bone Yao" "time shadow" out of a number of hand-me-down, it can be seen very deliberate imitation of Xiao war "time shadow", not to say that the shape is like and God is not like, even the "shape like "are unable to do, whether it is the face or contour, giving a very strange feeling, completely unable to see the shadow of Xiao war. So forced to "business", I do not know who is behind the operation, I believe it is not the crew, much less the actors. The fans' reactions, we are also in the comment section spit too ugly, simply can not do the real person, have said or the real Xiao war is the most handsome, the most temperament, as for the hand do, or forget it, and do not buy. For Xiao war, with the fame, many companies will play the name of the role of Xiao war, selling peripherals to fans, even including the previously boisterous anniversary of the "Chen Era Order", the end result is more than worth the loss. In short, or quietly wait for Xiao war works broadcast, "Jade Bone Yao" or "dream of that sea", who first came to the effect are the same, the attitude of support speaks for itself. The actor Xiao is the strength of the war itself, but also a veritable idol of quality, Xiao is worth waiting for, Xiao's future, will certainly shine, shine. I don't know what your first feeling is after watching it? Like or can not help but want to spit? I just want to spit it out anyway. Of course, I have no intention of doing so for Xiao Zhan and his work.
