Has the National Day file been divided? "King of the Sky" pre-sale fault...

On September 23, four heavyweight movies were scheduled for the National Day, plus the previously determined works will be released, a total of seven movies are now confirmed to be released in the National Day, namely "The Journey of Ten Thousand Miles", "King of the Long Sky", "Ordinary Hero", "Iron Will", "New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 5: My Alien Friend", "New Cinderella 2" and "I am a Tyrannosaurus Rex". Putting aside the three animated films released on October 1, the four live-action films that have received the most attention should be the ones released on September 30. The results have been relatively clear. First of all, if we look at the advance ticket sales, "The King of the Long Sky" can be said to be the leading one. As of press time, the advance ticket sales of "The King of the Long Sky" have exceeded 6.84 million, with a ranking of over 50% and an attendance rate of 3.2%, all three indicators ranking first. It should be noted, however, that the current indicators are based on some of the theater's scheduling after the opening of the pre-sale, not the final results, and theaters will set aside some of the venues as mobile scheduling before the release. However, for theater managers, advance ticket sales are an important reference for determining how much to schedule, and the higher the advance ticket sales, the more inclined the subsequent scheduling will be. And the epidemic, this year's National Day travelers will drop a lot, the people do not travel, if the National Day holiday will usually choose to go to the movies, so this year's National Day is likely to appear in the Spring Festival season as in previous years, the peak field full of the situation, no matter what row will be seen, then the higher the proportion of row, the greater the possibility of winning the box office. And after "King of the Long Sky", "The Way Back in Miles" advance ticket sales as of press time exceeded 1.5 million, "Ordinary Hero" has not yet passed 10,000, "Iron Will" is even below 0.01, less than 100, according to the ticket price, there are only a few people to buy. The other three movies' advance ticket sales combined are less than a quarter of "The King of the Long Sky". So the question arises, why is "The King of the Long Sky" leading the advance ticket sales discontinuity? The answer is actually quite simple. The first credit goes to Wang Yibo. Before the release of the four films, there is no way to talk about the word-of-mouth effect, and the temporary slotting of the week before the National Day, but also several films to the same level of publicity, because there is not much time to promote, which is tantamount to relying on some basic selling points of the "short", that the most important thing is the cast. Although the "ordinary heroes" group of stars shine, "Miles to return" has Zhang Yi plus Wang Junkai, but there is no denying that with the "Chen Eros" popular Wang Yibo, is the most powerful top stream of all actors in this National Day. The strong support of Wang Yibo's fans alone is enough for "King of the Long Sky" to lead in advance ticket sales. The publicity side also seized the opportunity to use Wang Yibo as the main selling point of the movie, so "Wang Yibo's first movie in theaters" was on the hot search. As we all know, Wang Yibo currently has three films to be released, namely "King of the Long Sky", "Nameless" and "Ardent", "King of the Long Sky" really took the lead, the first time to see Wang Yibo acting on the big screen, too attractive to fans. And this idol's attraction is also reflected in the netizen's vote. From the vote initiated by the media, "King of the Long Sky" leads with 60,000 votes, "The Way Back in Miles" is in second place with 28,000 votes, followed by "Ordinary Hero" and "Iron Will", which just corresponds to the current advance ticket sales, which means that after the release of several movies, the probability of box office sorting is in this order. The second is attributed to the subject matter. Among the four movies, "The Way Back" is about evacuation, "Ordinary Hero" is about rescue, "Iron Will" is about steel making, although they can all be classified as melodramatic films, but "King of the Long Sky" is a military theme, and in recent years military themes have become very popular, "War Wolf 2", "Operation Red Sea" and "Changjin Lake" are all similar themes, which means that "King of the Long Sky" will have explosive scenes and blood-curdling flight footage, as well as How can we not look forward to the steel will that soldiers show in order to become qualified test pilots? The third point is affected by the length of the film. Currently four films, only the "Iron Will" out of the release notice, the settlement ticket price for Class A (North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen plus Liaoning Province) 40 yuan, Class B 30 yuan, which means that the four first-tier cities.
