People are hidden in the crew, and the song has won international awards...

"This has become a matter of course in the minds of Xiao's fans! It's not that the fans have much top cancer and can't tolerate Xiao Zhan's second, but they have the capital! In terms of numbers, the number of live fans is definitely the most in the entertainment; in terms of kryptonite, Xiao fans have supported a strong list of goods for him, so much so that in his most difficult time, the brand did not dare to give up on him; in terms of loyalty, Xiao fans climbing the wall the least in the entertainment, because most of them are only for Xiao into the powder circle.... ...So, when Xiao Battle's "Point of Light" was second on the iTunes global list, this score that should be blown up in other powder circles, fans didn't even make a big deal out of this second place! Of course, some fans do not understand the gold content of this list, but also part of the fans think this is not even the first, there is no need to blow! This heartfelt words in the heart of Xiao war fans, in other fans there is Versailles! This kind of internal entertainment fans do not stay up late, do not play the list, do not kryptonite can still be on the global list of operations, they never dreamed of, Xiao war fans just in a completely unaware of the unit, by the main lead to fly, and ignorantly do not know the gold content! In fact, it's not surprising that Xiao's "Point of Light" can have this achievement in iTunes, as early as two years ago, the song's sales have already dumped all the songs in the world, won the Guinness World Record, which no one has broken, no song has broken! This time plus the global sales, I'm afraid there will be a song challenge will be more difficult! And recently, Xiao Zhaoge's "Point of Light" once again on the list of "20 best-selling singles of all time" released by the British cultural newspaper Far Out Magazine, and ranked first in it! This report can be said to be the Guinness World Records to support that! The world is in turmoil, but Xiao is not moving! No matter what the outside world is discussing Xiao Zhan, he himself is in addition to the crew did not appear anywhere, the latest business or a variety of sports giveaway, gave the fans a wave of benefits! In fact, in accordance with the general situation, Xiao Zhan whole stay in the entertainment, his popularity should be limited to the entertainment, after all, even if he signed a number of international high luxury brands, but overseas can see him only film and television productions and advertising campaign map, far from domestic fans can see more, but it is very strange, his overseas popularity is also the most entertaining artists! I can only say that Xiao Zhan is a hexagonal excellent warrior! Everything he exports overseas can cause others to like him, look at the face, look at the body, look at the fashion degree, look at the film and television works like acting, listen to the song ...... Maybe some people overseas will not appreciate Xiao Zhan's face, have not seen Xiao Zhan's film and television works, and do not contact the fashion circle, and Xiao Zhan's language does not know! But music has no borders, the song "Point of Light" song is relaxed and happy, positive, and sounds very energetic! Listening to the song, many people can get their own strength from it and soothe the mood! Perhaps, this is the reason why this song can be an international hit and be reported by many countries! First know Xiao Zhan, and then listen to the "point of light", pay attention to the meaning of the song, for the singer added a little more like! So, Xiao Zhan this overseas music market, "Point of Light" is opening up the territory for it, look forward to Xiao Zhan next song with such an achievement! #XiaoZhuang
