Street dance: Zyko, Sven stunned the audience, Wang Yibo gave the lowest...

The seventh episode of "This! Is Street Dance" seventh program online, the Battle between the five teams took turns to be staged, can be said to be wonderful. Wang Yibo, who sang the opposite tune, however, there is no shortage of controversy, such as the double dance between Zyko and Sven, which was astonishing to the audience. In the midst of all the praise, Wang Yibo only gave 93 points, almost singing the opposite of everyone. As to why so, look at the scores given by the other captains is clear: Lee Seung Hyun 95 points, Wu Jianhao 97 points, Liu Yuxin 97 points. Lee Seung Hyun has always scored 95 out of 100, but this Battle only made an exception for Aang and Sonny, giving 96 points. Wu Jianhao's 97 was the third highest score he gave, Liu Yuxin's 97 was the second highest score he gave, and only Wang Yibo's 93 was the penultimate score he gave. The master group's score is even more telling, scoring Zyko and Sven the highest 99.7 points in the field, compared to the four star captains, obviously the master group's evaluation is more authoritative. After all, they are professional dancers from both professional choreographers and world champions. The popular judges' scores also confirmed this, also scoring the highest 95 points in the audience, on par with Carlton (pier) and KYOKA. The lowest choreography score in the audience may be said that Wang Yibo has his own aesthetics and just doesn't like Zyko and Sven's dance. But from the content of the review, Wang Yibo is also appreciative of Zyko and Sven's dance, it seems that there is no dislike. But that's not the point, the point is how Wang Yibo's 93 points came about, and that starts with the scoring rules. According to the rules, the star captain and the master group to start from five special (creativity, choreography, skills, performance, completion) to score, each special full score of 20 points, together exactly 100 points. Here in Wang Yibo, 5 of the 7 points deducted from Zyko and Sven came from choreography. In terms of choreography alone, 15 points is not only the lowest score given by Wang Yibo, but also the lowest score in the whole field. In other words, Zyko and Sven's choreography was the bottom of the five teams in Wang Yibo's scoring. Objectively speaking, I'm afraid this result is hardly convincing, Zyko and Sven's choreography is not at the bottom even if they can't be at the top. The speculation of pressure points Therefore, many people are puzzled by the 93 points given by Wang Yibo, because it is not logical. In my personal opinion, the only reasonable explanation is that the program team deliberately suppressed the scores of Zyko and Sven, in order to avoid the Zyko team to be a one-man show. The subsequent battle for the seventh place also supports this conjecture to a certain extent. Zyko team should be able to easily grab 5 to 6 points or even win the game directly as long as they send Zyko and Dykens one after another. But Zyko didn't do that, and Zyko never played, allowing the point-lagging Madonnas to take the lead and finish the game. Even so, Team Zyko still ranked first with 15 points, and assuming a further score in the duet and snatch seven battle, they would undoubtedly be significantly ahead of the other teams. This would inevitably reduce the show's spectacle considerably, as there would be one less suspense. It is important to know that the end of this episode does not mean that the confrontation between the five teams ends here, and there is still unfinished business to come. In the premise of the pressure point conjecture is established, it can be expected that the overall champion of this season is likely to remain a domestic dancer, Zyko, Dykens, KYOKA, the top international dancers are to accompany the prince again. Personally, I thought, "This! Is the street dance" want to be bigger and stronger, to go more long-term, should uphold a more open attitude. The strength of the high and low, Chinese and foreign dancers are treated equally, there is competition to improve, the more sheltered the more difficult to progress. Personal opinion, don't spray if you don't like it.

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