"Like a Dream" Beijing Railway Station decided to start the show, fans a...

The "Dream of a Dream" that has tugged at everyone's heartstrings finally has the news that tickets are up for grabs on December 12, and the play will be performed from December 20 to December 25! To be honest, if it was any other time to see "A Dream Like a Dream" scheduled, fans would only be happy and fist-pumping to get tickets! This was the case with the Kunshan Station, even though fans in certain places could not go there for special reasons, but their enthusiasm for grabbing tickets still did not diminish for no other reason than to be a denominator and give themselves a sense of participation! But this time, the Beijing station decided to open the show, all the fans can not understand, after all, the form of Beijing is not optimistic, the audience sitting in the audience can be wrapped throughout the perfect, but the actors can not ah! The morning show and the afternoon show of the play are both equally important, can the actors keep themselves safe is everyone's concern? And once they are hit, no one can continue to hold on to the rest of the show and perform perfectly, and the quality of the play is not guaranteed! From the time Xiao Zhan signed a contract with the "Dream of Dreams" crew, fans have always had the most sincere gratitude for the play, in order to see the play, in order to see Xiao Zhan, some fans will even choose to go to the scalper to buy tickets just to see, but this time, they are sincerely hope that can continue to postpone! Some netizens are not quite clear, the role of the actor in the drama is usually not prepared only one person, the same role among the actors who can perform on stage is called A corner, as an alternative is called B corner, to prevent the need to have a replacement! The Beijing show is a foregone conclusion, and the organizers will not change their minds to a large extent! Then, it is necessary to make a worst assumption, if Xiao Zhan attended the performance of "Dream of Dream", all the actors in the five days are safe since the best, but if unfortunately hit, then Xiao Zhan most likely no longer appear, the fifth patient to play the B corner! Then, the "Dream of Dreams" play's own fans have nothing, anyway, is also for the play itself to go, the change of actors does not affect them to watch the play! But if you are a fan of Xiao Zhaoge, you need to think clearly for yourself! The 12th ticket campaign is about to begin, whether you have grabbed tickets or not, when fans start to pay the moment, you have to think about whether you can accept that you may be unwell when you go to Beijing, you may get a ticket and not enter the theater, you may go in to see the show and find that the fifth patient actor will not be Xiao Zhaoge! Adults are responsible for their own choices and decisions, do not blame anyone, want to go to the fans will try to grab tickets, do not want to go to stay at home, and the organizers can not solve any problems, only leave a joke! Xiao Zhao is the contracted actor of "Dreams of Dreams", he will have his own insistence and integrity as an actor, no matter what he has done to choose, we should respect! The same, choose to go to see the performance of the audience is also an independent consciousness and financial ability of adults, to see the play no matter what the results should not be to anger others! From 2019 Xiao war within the entertainment since the popularity, he really has carried too many pots, all kinds of unreasonable, incorrect, uncomfortable things happen because Xiao war this kind of ridiculous unit remarks we see a lot! The show will come, I hope you think more before deciding, otherwise Xiao Battle will inevitably be black powder rumors and slander again! #XiaoWar
