The paparazzi broke the news that the 90 top Liuhua was in love with her...

On the 15th, the paparazzi live breaking news "90 top flow and her male number one underground romance", the description of the clues point to: ①, the two together for 3 years; ②, the male star career setback, the female star does not leave; ③, the two live in the same neighborhood often string door; ④, not Zhang Xincheng and Su Xiaotong; ⑤, the female star than Li Qin fire eat melon summary: the two collaborate; the two together after a year or two of shooting; live in the same neighborhood, often string door to each other; ③, the two live in the same neighborhood often; ⑤, the female star than Li Qin fire The two have been together for a year or two after the play was shot; they live in the same neighborhood and often string each other up, but were photographed with black technology; the man's career was frustrated and proposed to break up, but the woman disagreed, the woman said she would not fall in love, and anyway, it was an underground relationship, no one knew so no need to split; the two have been together for 3 years now; the woman is not Li Qin, this top flow flower is hotter than Li Qin The man is not Yang Yang, he has not career frustrated. Doggie live pop-ups some people guessed: Diligaba, Yang Zi, Zhao Lusi, Cheng Yi, a certain Lun, Xiao Zhan etc. ...... But, "the male career setback" that is certainly not the male side of the Xiao war and Cheng Yi, they should not be considered setback. The comments in the live room have been brushing hot, and then the doggie said not this female top flow, there are other people. The female side: 90 after the top flow flower, the male side: the broker offended the platform, once and the broker with the two word flower rumors, two word flower has now left this broker, hit the ex-girlfriend, ex-girlfriend and H male star rumors, top flow flower and the male side together for more than three years. Netizens said, so fake, who can not be right, rumor-mongering to attract attention only. However, according to the previous description, many netizens feel really like Deng Lun, his agent did offend the platform, and then he and Li Qin is the same agent, and the two have rumors. Then again Deng Lun did suffer a setback because of the tax evasion accident. According to the clues exposed by the paparazzi, the male side is basically all right with Deng Lun, the male broker offended Aiki, rumored flowers are Li Qin, together for more than three years, that is not the Xiangmi well. Therefore, netizens basically think it is Yang Zi and Deng Lun, feel as if. But then there are netizens feel that it is impossible, he two be into what, whether it is a friend are in doubt. Purple powder said, how can it be Yang Zi Deng Lun, I save the lives of these two people were falling out to follow up no contact ah. Think about the series of things that happened after the fragrant honey, the back of the two meet in public, obviously the woman does not want to have intercourse with him, are not avoiding suspicion kind, but distant, but also left a face love only. The male side is frustrated feeling dl up, the career is okay when together, now frustrated points more reasonable, most netizens said the female side guess not. Purple powder pointed out that before saying that Yang Zi is the top flow, you guys said she does not deserve, now there are scandals and admit that Yang Zi is the top flow. You people, good things can not turn Yang Zi, bad things first thought of her, are girls, let her go can! Hold away Yang Zi, we do not about. The top flow of flowers is four words, you go to the little red book to check Yang Zi is not the top flow of it. Yang Zi's Beijing district to understand, and a certain Len with the district is not possible. 90 after the top flow flower underground love. Purple powder pointed out, ""This dirty water from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, something 90 only TOP, nothing the whole network of three hundred purple powder (299 cousins), how the top flow on demand? Explosive when your purple sister is the only top? desperately make up melon to create melon only to pull her down, see you guys are very hot-eyed "90 after the top flow flower underground love, this melon how to say? The top flow in the mouth of the paparazzi and the public perception of the top flow is never a latitude, it is likely that when the actual hammer female top flow will become the second and third line of small flowers.
