What is the correct way to open Phoenix Nirvana? Watch Xiao Zhan's 100-w...

A few days ago, the Internet without warning "airborne" a small video, although the shooter's phone pixel is not very good, but still can be identified from the blurred lens a Xiao war, a Yang Zi, and the two seem to be in a good mood, Xiao war also Yang Zi little beauty a touch head kill! This video came out, like boiling water thrown into a big bomb: there were startled, there were scared, there were scalded, there is a sneaky happy, on the good mouth, want to take the opportunity to do something ...... a time, chaos, have Yang, really have boiled against the state of the sky. Especially this video out of the time period is extremely sensitive: the national mourning period, open all the web pages are a color of mourning, but rushed out so a section of the top flow of stars "flirting" small paragraph, and was straight top to the top of the list of hot search, a "you pretend that you can not see can not "The momentum. This is almost to the Xiao war to the death of the whole rhythm ah! One: This video is an insider party, which means that outsiders are not able to mix during. So the "proxy" said: this black pot, I would like to carry, but even the opportunity to carry ah! It's not a proxy shot, but a sneak peek of the same invited actors and actresses, and is sitting diagonally across from Xiao and Yang, visually shooting and the subject straight line distance of no more than two meters. Just give you a clink a glass of wine, call a brother, fly a smiley face of the person, but the hands are busy tripping, want to strangle you half dead, living off the real version of "infiltration" ah! In the battlefield, the scary thing is not the enemy, because he is in the light; the most scary thing is that you will give his back to his "comrades", because he is in the dark, you are defenseless, one is sure to be his zap a cold. This really makes people cold sweat! Second: This video is two years ago, and before the network has been calm, which means that the filmmaker will be treasured like a treasure for more than 700 days. Anyone who becomes a "big deal", have a tarzan collapse in front of the firm, but not timid, have a long line to catch a big fish, and the holder of this video, undoubtedly has the potential to become a "big deal" and the quality of such. The oddity is available, naturally, you have to wait for the price to sell, not to be able to sell a good price, never "show rich". Think of it this way, one's spine is a cold ah. Third: the timing of the selection, if you say it is a coincidence, meow pig can only say "fooling children, not so perfunctory". During the national mourning, your side to talk about "a little love", on this one, you Xiao war will not be able to eat away! All this and has been kicked into the dust of the digital event how similar ah: premeditated, organized, and politically linked, the strike is steady and accurate, straight to the point. In terms of what they want to achieve, it is even more damaging than the digital incident. This scared meow pig shaking a ball, really afraid of historical tragedy repeat, worrying about all the efforts and struggle of Xiao war once zero, Xiao war of the small essay showed up. A few hundred words, but concise and clear four layers of meaning: one, Xiao Zhan single, so the strong group CP can be saved; second, explain the source of the video, even the time and place of the organizers of the list of witnesses, so those who are misled by the video students can wake up; third, specify the video disseminator's sinister intentions, "deliberate The word "deliberate" and "intentional" are particularly striking, thus knocking the heads of those with ulterior motives; fourth, admonishing fans to be rational and not to be fooled by others as a gun. Spent half a minute, read, meow pig as relieved. For Xiao war party reaction speed, coping strategy is appropriate, the battle force of the strong and happy, more fell through the "mass grave" Xiao war of the phoenix nirvana and happy. At that time, the Xiao war, a weak scholar, to capital no capital, to rely on the mountain no mountain, is a bare-handed fight the world's rash, accidentally stepped into someone else's territory, grabbed someone's rice bowl, not yet familiar with the set of the fame and fortune field, on the head of a stifling stick. No one is willing to do shield for him, no one even to tell him what to do, for these overnight fame and overnight ghosts like a walking light of the newcomers to the entertainment industry to see too much, we all have to mix in this circle in the future, there is no need for such a "rookie", tomorrow may become The "rusty" people move the sword. That only leaves Xiao war himself, in a strange and cold environment, alone against the storm and never compromise concessions. But it is precisely this courage that touches more and more ordinary people: we are accustomed to looking for the kind of clanking iron bones from the book, from the fiction to send the kind of feelings ra
