After seven years of domestic entertainment, Xiao Zhan sticks to the bot...

Whenever there is any big competition within the entertainment, in the time of gathering the flow of artists within the entertainment, there is a person who cannot be avoided, even in the chart to other small artists to lift the curry, repeatedly pulled out of that artist is also Xiao war! Seven years after his debut, Xiao has reached the majority of artists twenty to thirty years have not reached the achievement, he has works, endorsements, fans, performance, traffic, which is much better than those busy in the entertainment industry but drowned in the smoke of the artists! However, as a half-way to give up their original career to come to the inner entertainment of the workers, Xiao war itself is no resources, he has suffered a lot of internal and injustice, and now Xiao war has gained the relative fairness belonging to him! There is no absolute fairness in this world, if Xiao is the capital, there will be greater capital to suppress him, not to mention that Xiao is still the same in the entertainment industry to earn a living are working boy, but now he is compared to seven years ago, really is a world of difference! As an entertainer, Xiao Zhan paid the hardships far from what everyone can imagine, and he is also the most red, Xiao Zhan broadcast every drama is effectively broadcast, will be in the domestic and overseas set off a considerable storm, his business endorsement is also the most, his own voice is gradually increasing, at the same time, it gets the resources is also visible to the naked eye to become better, everything is in the direction of a virtuous circle! In many people's view, it seems that the entertainment industry artists if they reach this height, should be sacrificing their principles and bottom line, however, in fact, there will always be so some people on the principles and bottom line of adherence is to have others can not imagine the persistence, Xiao war is the kind of people! The way to ruin a female star in the entertainment industry is to create yellow rumors, and male stars are not? Because Xiao Zhan's adherence to the bottom line, so he never stood behind the capital, but one after another can cooperate with partners! So, when all these rumors happened to Xiao Zhan, it was hard for him to deal with it all! When he entered the entertainment industry, Xiao was eliminated, so he packed up his things and went home, putting on a dozen pounds, and if it wasn't for Long Danni's reorganization of the team, Xiao would not have come back! After joining the X9 youth group resources are very little, Long Danni not to care about him, so Xiao Zhan own taxi to run the drama group to participate in the interview, which has now fans can archaeologically see the small transparent, such as the "Demon Hunt" in the happy little demon, "vegetarian agent" in a name does not even have to climb the high building of the little boy, long male face, playing the second male role, but actually the third male Beitang Mo dye ...... If Xiao Zhan did not stick to his principles and bottom line, then Xiao Zhan could be known to the public at least four years in advance, just by his face alone! If Xiao Zhan gave up his principles and bottom line, then that digital incident would not have lasted as long as ten months, and fans would not have been scared for him for more than ten months! Fortunately, Xiao has enough wisdom, he relied on his own charm and efforts and a fair and objective audience, and broke out a piece of heaven in the entertainment! The Internet has never stopped smearing and slandering Xiao Zhan, and Xiao Zhan's own road to sue for damages has never stopped, but someone always thinks he is the exception! After a thousand sails, Xiao Zhan's future has long been rewritten by his own hands, he will be extraordinary! # Xiao Zhan #
