Director Fu Ning passed away suddenly, and the new drama he collaborated...

On January 23, actor Qian Bo posted a tribute to director Fu Ning, in which he wrote with emotion and grief: Mao Mao! Director Fu Ning! I can't accept it! From your debut film "pigeon whistle", I have shot 7 plays with you, you are my valued man, benefactor! You made the brothers grieve ...... Mao Mao go all the way! According to the information, Fu Ning began to independently write and direct the TV series "Pigeon Whistle" in 2009, since then Fu Ning has directed a number of classic films including "Don't Call Me Brother", "Magic City Storm", "When the Wind Rises Again", "Autumn Cicada", "Shisha Sea", "Hutong" and so on. The representative works include "Hutong", "Autumn Cicada" and "Shichahai", which are still fresh in the minds of many audiences. Director Fu Ning's works have worked with many first-rate movie stars, including Ren Dahua, Qin Hailu, Lu Yi, Yuan Quan, Ren Jialun and so on. The work to be broadcast is to work with popular young Xiao Zhan and rising flower Li Qin, from the beginning of the shooting is highly anticipated by fans. After seeing the news of Fu Ning's death, many netizens have expressed their disbelief, because Fu Ning still looks very young, but the network can not check the specific age of director Fu Ning. Subsequently, the media asked a number of industry insiders to confirm that the news of Fu Ning's death was true. It seems that this news is not as the netizens expect is generally misinformation. The student who once crossed paths with Fu Ning sent a message of condolences to his teacher after learning the news, describing Fu Ning as his lifelong inspirational teacher. And said the news was too sudden! At the end of the article he published a lot of crying emoji, can feel his heart to deal with the teacher's heart of a thousand feelings of reluctance. Many netizens were also very surprised by the sudden news of director Fu Ning's death and said they couldn't believe it and didn't want to accept the reality. A lover revealed that director Fu Ning was born in 1971, if true, then director Fu Ning is only 52 years old this year, is too young! In recent years, Fu Ning has been active in the film and television industry, shooting a lot of excellent works. 2021 November Fu Ning director also appeared in the "dream of that sea" conference, about their creative inspiration, the drama is still in the state of waiting for broadcast, now Fu Ning director of the new drama has not yet been broadcast, there is suddenly such bad news, really the world is unpredictable, too bad! Last June 9 was the last public appearance of director Fu Ning, it was in the TV series "The Sea of Dreams" shooting site, when the main actors Xiao Zhan, Li Qin are standing beside him, director Fu Ning smile brightly with everyone to celebrate the killing. Unfortunately, he was not able to see his work broadcast before he passed away, indeed too heartbreaking! The last content posted by director Fu Ning was in October last year, and his account has not been updated since then, this content is still promoting his previous work "Hutong". The last content posted by director Fu Ning was in October last year, after which his account was not updated again, this content was still promoting his previous work "Hutong". It can be seen that director Fu Ning always thinks about his work, but I did not expect him to leave the earth like this.
