Director Fu Ning passed away, Xiao Zhan, Ren Jialun, Qin Hailu, Li Qin, ...

Ningbo Zimmer Star acting agency Weibo released an obituary notice at 23:36 on the 23rd, announcing that Mr. Fu Ning, a famous film and television scriptwriter and director, passed away in Beijing on January 23, 2023 at the age of 55 due to a sudden illness. Fu Ning, a well-known director and screenwriter, has devoted himself to telling the stories of ordinary people for many years, focusing his lens on the changing Beijing city, creating many excellent film and television works, including "Shichahai", "Family Fortune", "Pigeon Whistle", "Brother's Car", "Don't Call Me Brother", "When the Wind Rises Again", "Hutong", "Autumn Cicada", "The Sea of Dreams" and so on. The original life of the Beijing school of fireworks and the struggles and passions of Beijingers are shown on the screen in a small way, which has won the recognition of many viewers. His passing was regretted by many in the industry and viewers, as he was a very talented and amiable person. Subsequently, Xiao Zhan, Qin Hailu, Li Qin, Ren Jialun, Jiang Lei, Zhao Lusi, Guan Xiaotong, Hou Minghao, Yu Cailei, Qian Bo, Li Tingzhe, Sun Guangliang and other industry and actors and students have posted tributes. Actor Li Tingzhe posted a screenshot of a WeChat message he sent to Director Fu two days ago in the early morning and expressed his condolences. The director is a very modest person, according to netizens to share, before the director of pay and Xiao war cooperation shooting TV series, the two repeatedly humble C position, pay the director personally throughout the group with Xiao war, will affectionately call Xiao war for "war war". In the early hours of the morning, Xiao Zhaogang forwarded Ningbo Zimmer Star acting agency microblogging with a text saying: the months together, every day on the scene can hear the director of your cheerful laughter, but also you told me: "In addition to the play other things are not called things, to believe in themselves! I am very grateful for all the guidance and help. I would like to express my deepest condolences. "Nothing else matters but the play", people who are in a hurry cannot say such words, likewise, people who are not right-minded cannot listen to them, and to be able to say such words shows the purity and love of the director and actors for their work. So many people have posted tributes, and many ordinary viewers on the hot search are also expressing regret, so it is clear that director Fu Ning's character and reputation in the circle, at the same time, the quality of his work is also very good. And according to his friends, two days ago was good, many people lamented too suddenly, only 55 years of age, really the world is unpredictable, the storm clouds change. Another thing that has caught the attention of netizens is the drama "That Sea of Dreams". It is reported that the period drama "That Sea in the Dream" directed by Fu Ning, Yang Xiaopei and Yang Xia as producers, starring Xiao Zhan and Li Qin, was shot in 22 years, at present, the drama has been shot and obtained the broadcasting license, not yet broadcast, but is expected to be broadcast in Beijing TV or Oriental TV prime time this year. I still remember when this drama was killed, Tencent video a number of senior executives attended the killing banquet, and this was the market and the audience is very optimistic about the drama, the director did not see the drama broadcast is really regrettable, after the broadcast will certainly once again cause the audience to the director's nostalgia. As the saying goes, "The life of an artist is limited, but his artistic life is infinite, and will be passed on continuously through his works and roles." I wish the director a long journey, and I hope that his work "The Sea of Dreams", which is to be broadcast, will have long ratings and win awards and good reviews.
