The extreme challenge of treasure line" Qin Hao sophisticated, Yang beyo...

Chaoyue Yang finally returned to the "Ultimate Challenge treasure line", "variety flower fairy" with a sense of joy, people love, proper "source of happiness", the New Year holiday limited happiness is back. The first thing is that Qin Hao is too cunning, "the first big boss" tricky, "cheating" everything is proficient. chaoyue Yang was coaxed, Prince Yi was pitted miserable, weak and helpless and poor, heartbroken and funny. The "treasure family" has not yet met, Qin Hao opened the "lure" mode, claiming to give all the "gold coins" to Chaoyue Yang, because his sister is the most trustworthy person. Chaoyue Yang is a good and simple person who believes in the truth and is a real "charity gambling king". As expected, Chaoyue Yang was cheated again, and Yue Yunpeng also advised his sister to be more careful, after all, the "bad uncle" reputation out there. In order to join forces to defeat the "big boss", Yue Yunpeng and Jin Jing joined forces to form a "stabbing Qin" alliance, and strongly encouraged everyone not to team up with Qin Hao. Qin Hao was "isolated" at the beginning, in order to recruit teammates, "bad uncle" to fool Chaoyue Yang, colorful "drawing pie" laugh not live. Chaoyue Yang, as always, the simple child was cajoled again, like a "lonely on a boat of thieves". The "melon eaters" are universal doujinshi, Chaoyue Yang's dinner, is Qin Hao painted the cake. However, Qin Hao's "battle power" is amazing, even if you lose all your family's money, you can also get a hand on the shore, "slipper king" a battle to seal the gods, Chaoyue Yang, Wang Zhuo Cheng directly out of the expression bag. Qin Hao fulfilled his promise with strength, and Chaoyue Yang had an immersive experience of "the turn of the tide". Interestingly, Wang Zi Yi was pitted, halfway through the "bad uncle" left behind, weak and helpless, poor and funny. Wang Zi Yi is also honest people, spent two "gold coins" to rent a car to pick up people, if not Yue Yunpeng reminded, the brother simply can not think of sharing the fare. Moreover, Prince is not sitting on the price, each person charged "a gold coin" is very reasonable. I didn't think that Qin Hao was sophisticated enough to take the initiative to help drive, "considerate brother" more or less perverse. Wang Zi Yi is defenseless, whistling to move the luggage, the next second to be abandoned, can only look at the distant car, regret to their own "mouth". The hell is empty, Qin Hao in the earth, "silly children" to pay tuition sense of both, laugh not live. What's more, Qin Hao actually "lion's share", back to pick up people can, the starting fee is "5 gold coins", Chaoyue Yang are a bit unbearable. The scheming "bad uncle", too bullying, Sun Honglei looked at the "tears". Wang Zi Yi "living on the street", can only call to complain, like a very aggrieved child, looking for parents to complain. I have to say, Qin Hao is too playful, "dark version" Zhang Dongsheng, not only the IQ crushing, but also "digging" to play the set-up, "assassination" alliance is virtually useless. The "old pick" sense of both came to the surface, funny and fun very enjoyable.
