The popularity of Xiao Zhan's "The Sea in Dream" has risen again: the to...

The "Spring Festival stall" did not usher in Xiao Zhan new drama start! But this doesn't stop the audience from looking forward to the two dramas "The Sea in the Dream" and "Jade Bone Remote". In the absence of any official news or materials for "The Sea in the Dream", the two hot searches for "The Sea in the Dream" and "Xiao Zhan Xiao Chunsheng" have been around for a long time, with a daily readership of 27.2 million+. The total number of readings for the single topic of "The Sea in the Dream" starring Xiao Zhan was once as high as 15.4 billion+. The sea in the dream" is Xiao Zhan's second original scripted drama after "Ace Force". The drama belongs to the period drama, about the old Beijing city, the growth of a group of young people, is the subject of flow artists rarely involved in. From the rare footage and stills, "The Sea of Dreams" strives to restore the look of that era, whether it is the background or the costume path, it is very close to that era. Xiao Zhan's ancient costume drama fame, away from the ancient puppet drama styling aspect of the addition, "that sea in the dream" is bound to be a test of his acting skills and character building ability. Compared to Wei Wu Xian and Shi Ying, whom he has played, Xiao Chun Sheng gives a refreshing feeling. As an actor, Xiao's artistic value is demonstrated by the fact that he has played roles that are not unrecognizable to people for half a day. Xiao has played many roles, but every one of his roles is highly recognizable. His performance is about the essence, and he is good at using details to put the characteristics of my character. Compared to "Jade Bone Remote", "The Sea of Dreams" is much less well-known. After all, "That Sea in Dreams" does not have an original novel, and the audience's knowledge of it is fragmentary. The reason why many viewers pay attention to this drama is, frankly speaking, out of love and trust in Xiao Zhan. Although the actual situation, but from the quality and emotionality of "the sea in the dream", this drama is more likely to capture the hearts of viewers of all ages, and is expected to become the "dark horse" of Xiao war in the pending drama. After all, this drama moved around Shichahai, Hainan, Hengdian and other locations for live shooting, and its professionalism makes people look forward to more. Xiao Zhan did not have a long debut, but each of the plays he appeared in can be called a popular masterpiece. These works, over and over again in each satellite TV repeatedly broadcast not to mention, but also be released to overseas, get overseas fans to follow drink love. Other than that, "Yu Bone Yao", which is still in the status of substitute broadcast, has been finalized to be broadcast in Korea. This victory was reported by "cctv drama" with great fanfare, and was regarded as the new year's Chinese drama out of the country and on the world stage. During the "Spring Festival" period, the topic of "The Sea of Dreams" is gradually getting hot, is it a warm-up for the start of the broadcast? The news released by Penguin earlier shows that this drama is tentatively scheduled to be broadcast in Q1. As a viewer, are you looking forward to "The Sea of Dreams" or "Jade Bones"? Welcome to discuss in the comments!
