Xiao Zhan has a lot of attention: blockbuster movie suddenly launched in...

The "Spring Festival stall" did not wait for the "Jade Bone Yao" and "the sea in the dream" to start, more or less let people regret, feel the taste of the year less a kind of afterglow. However, but wait for the Xiao war walked into the "Spring Festival" theater! It turns out that a major international brand with business cooperation with Xiao Zhan has put Xiao Zhan's pre-screening business blockbuster in 37 cinemas nationwide. In the film, Xiao Zhan wears a red casual suit and a light blue shirt underneath. The hair is still his usual comma look, fair skin, bright eyes like the stars of the cold night, giving people the feeling of warmth and jade. The posters that Xiao Zhan took for the brand before were mainly in the style of "cold beauty and quiet". A "distant but not profane" senior face, clothes without a wrinkle, shirt standard with a tie. Obviously, the red suit look is to cater to the "Spring Festival" festivities, presenting a wealthy and leisurely temperament that Xiao does not know from the past. Xiao Zhan since the cooperation with the big brand, get the favor and trust to a staggering degree. Xiao Zhan was frequently mentioned by the overseas social accounts of the big brand, not to mention that it also put his poster on top of the official website of its headquarters, explicitly acknowledging a Chinese artist as its global spokesperson. Before Xiao Zhan, almost no Chinese idol artist had ever received such grand, formal treatment. On the eve of Chinese New Year, there were media reports that the brand vigorously promoted Xiao Zhan's ground wide. From the photos sent out by the media, the large and prosperous superstore was hung with large posters of Xiao Zhan, and the magnificence was breathtaking. The more surprising thing is still on the back, Xiao war business blockbuster suddenly online theaters, not to mention, but also on the 37 cities at once, properly a big deal ah!  So, many times the fans were not surprised. They left messages saying: this is what G should do, the global brand spokesman, should have this row. The "Spring Festival" is a lot of blockbusters, there are phenomenal works like "Wandering Earth", "Full River Red", and also "No Name" joined by Liang Chaowei and Zhou Xun. From a certain point of view, Xiao Zhan's business blockbuster can appear in theaters, and these masterpieces are also considered the same glory. Fans can also see Xiao Zhan when they watch the movie, which is also considered to make up for the regret caused by the delay in "Jade Bone Yao" and "That Sea of Dreams". As a fan, you see the figure of Xiao Zhan in the theater, what ideas will you have? During the "Spring Festival", you did not wait for the "Jade Bone Remote" and "That Sea in Dreams", will you have regrets? Welcome to discuss in the comments!
