"199 Love" Fan Chengcheng teaches dance on the set, and is intimate with...

Most of the film and television drama crews are divided into two kinds, either to maintain the mystery to the end. Either business interaction sense full of, there are drama team can be in the opening before the broadcast are held back not to send dynamic. There are drama groups are still in the middle of shooting, they can not restrain the mood of wanting to share. Yang Zi back and forth to participate in the two projects, is the difference between pole and pole. The "long-awaited love" is the official of the cool system, although the update frequency is not high. But every time the posters and materials taken out are extremely delicate, a look is polished. The "199 Love" is a grounded style, the original story background is in line with the current society. The actors play the role of young boys and girls, growing into adults who can take charge of their own. So interact with the expected drama fans more, let everyone see the daily life on the set, but in turn its play style is highly unified. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. When he returned home, not only had his strength increased, but his face was at its upper limit. He went to the show in his best condition and, not surprisingly, made it to the debut bit. His idol career was ended relatively early, but the good thing is that the accumulated popularity and contacts are still there. After dominating the screen through variety, he still chose to follow his sister's lead and go into the film and television drama circuit. This time into the group "199 love", 00 years was born in his almost natural role as a teenager model. In the variety show, he did not forget to "torment" his brothers and sisters in the crew. The video will be used to teach a fashionable dance to each and every one of them. As soon as you get to the classroom, you will catch Yang Zi who is in a daze, and take a hand to gently pat the sister's heavy clothes a few times. And then naturally shouted up, teaching process, see Yang Zi really nothing talented look. Subconsciously close, personally lifting her hand, let her remember the action. As a good teacher, Fan also made up his own set of memory method, little by little keying details. The mouth complained about Yang Zi action always do wrong, but the action is still very gentle model. Contrast this with his going back to Zhu Yan Manzhi afterwards to teach alone, this atmosphere is instantly different. Of course, although the sister is very cute, but the sister frequently forget the action, Fan Chengcheng will also be annoyed. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. Yang Zi down jacket hand warmer two sets, and younger siblings contrast obviously, over 30 years old play high school students no sense of inconsistency by Fan Cheng Cheng intimate treatment of Yang Zi, but in the whole video look down the interest is not very high look. In the public impression, she is always the happy girl in the team. Because she is a child star, plus her own personality is outgoing, so often give the illusion that she is a late bloomer. In fact, she has now reached the age of 30. The reason why she looks a bit tired is probably because the weather was really too cold when she was shooting. When Fan Cheng Cheng invited her to dance with him, you could see the thick cotton clothes she was wearing. In the late group rehearsal, the other siblings were wearing thin school play clothes. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The actual fact is that the actual person is not a person of the world. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. This time the video was released, which is always a proof for it. The atmosphere of the crew is so good that many netizens expressed their hope that they can shoot while broadcasting. So, do you think this drama can be a fire?
