After "Hurricane", Li Yitong is another suspense drama. Li Xian, Yang Zi...

If we are to say the hottest TV series this year, it is none other than "Rampage". Not only did it break the platform record in Akiyoshi and become the highest rated drama in the station, but it was also the number one rated drama in the last few years in the central eight, triggering a lively discussion among viewers across the network. This drama is comparable to a phenomenon, whether the main actors or supporting characters are on fire. Especially the teacher Zhang Songwen, who played Gao Qiqiang, finally made the audience familiar with his superb acting skills. And Li Yitong as one of the few female characters in it, also with the role of Meng Yu a small fire. In the play she and Zhang Yi as An Xin is a childhood friend, the two love but can not be how much the audience is difficult to be fair ah. The first thing you need to do is to say goodbye to Meng Yu and bring your own new work, that is, the "nine skies cold night warm" broadcast in Aiki Yi. The drama is an ancient love detective drama directed by Li Huizhu, directed by Deng Weien, Huang Bin and Chen Ziqiang, led by Li Yitong and Bi Wenjun, starring He Ruixian and Chen Hegyi, with special appearances by Wang Maolei and Fu Seoul. The Cold Night of the Ninth Heaven" is based on the Tencent Comics work "The Bride of His Highness the Wolf". The main story is about a strange case in the city of Nine Skies, where the "cold-fearing" female constable Su Jiu'er (Li Yitong) and the "hot" young master of the Qi tribe, Han Pred (Bi Wenjun), are paired together to explore the mysterious case of Nine Skies. The "temperature difference partner", to start a sweet "temperature difference love" story. The stars for Li Yitong call this drama in the scheduled broadcast night, Li Yitong posted an article to promote the opening of the new drama, posted "I female goose Su Jiuer to come", and with the drama stills, from the stills can be seen this time the role is quite sweet and lovely. The newest and most important thing is that it is not only the best way to promote the new show, but also to attract a lot of stars to call for her, among which there is no lack of top streams of small flowers and small students, so it is clear that Li Yitong's popularity is really good. The first one to cheer for her was Li Xian, who had worked with "Sword Dynasty", in which Li Yitong played Sun Shallow Snow, who was the sister-in-law of Ding Ning, played by Li Xian, so Li Xian wrote "Ding Ning came to call for his sister-in-law". Although this drama is not a big hit, but from the reaction of Li Xian, the two of them are very happy to cooperate and have a good relationship. Yu Shuxin also remembered that last year's big fire "Cang Lan Tips", Li Yitong as Siming is Yu Shuxin as the master of small orchids, so Yu Shuxin also came to call, texting "Master's female goose, is my little sister? Kuanai!" The two people in the drama although there is not too much rivalry, but the beauty between the sympathy. Yang Zi and Yang Zi also came to call, the two had cooperation in "your time my time", to small monkey purple cheerful character, the two must also be good friends, so it is why the text said "Li sister, look at you today!" Of course, in addition to these few, also include Bai Lu, Zhang Ling He, Jin Chen, Wu Zhenyan, Shen Yue, Zhou Keyu, Zhou Jieqiong, Xue Kaiqi, Fan Shiqi, Guo Xiaoting, He and, Qiao Xin, Fan Chengcheng and a host of other stars, the popularity of these people are not low, and are artists who have worked with Li Yitong, including the recent variety show partners "infinite beyond the class", as well as the "Cang Lan trick" crew and "your time my time cast members and so on. From here we can see, in fact, Li Yitong's people are very good, but Li Yitong is a "cold body", starring in many works since its debut, but has not been red, so this "nine skies cold night warm" can break this body? Let's wait and see.
