"Chong Zi": After listening to the evaluation of two big directors, I kn...

Recently, a story about the abusive relationship between a teacher and an apprentice has come flooding back to the viewers, a film and television drama based on Shukaku's novel of the same name. The "Heavy Violet" can be said to be a film and television drama that has been in the limelight before it is broadcast. The response since the broadcast of "Heavy Purple" has been much better than expected, the special effects are also good, and the face of the main man and woman is also quite high compared to the trailer. For many book fans, the novel should have the famous scene is also restored to the, there are many netizens said, although the plot is set earlier, but also really favor this bite. The story is about a young girl who was born with a demonic aura and destined to become a demon, and a high god who is involved in a love-hate relationship. The drama is performed by Chaoyue Yang and Xu Zhengxi together, and I'd like to talk about the objective feeling after watching it, first of all, the hot spot that the audience is most concerned about is the comparison between "Heavy Purple" and "Flower Thousand Bones", although there is a slight bump shape with the previous "Flower Thousand Bones", but this drama has still won a place with its own advantages. So, "Heavy Purple" the main actor and actress in this drama is poor or good? The two main actors and actresses are the only ones who know how good their acting skills are. 01 Chaoyue Yang In an interview, the director of the White Magnolia Award, Liu Jin, commented on Chaoyue Yang: "The lines are very familiar, and the performance is very sincere". For the actress Chaoyue Yang, many people are quite familiar, so far, Chaoyue Yang has been the main actress in many plays, and has participated in many works, such as "Limit 17", "and listen to the wind", "Midsummer Full of Heart" and so on, just to mention these three plays, in addition to "Midsummer Full of Heart", the remaining two films and dramas are won awards, in addition to data show The rate of Chaoyue Yang's awards is 75%, which is a very good result for an actor who is not from a professional class. The company's main goal is to provide the best service to its customers. Yang in "Heavy Purple" portrayed the heroine Chong Zi, from an unknown beggar to the only disciple of the South China Immortal Cultivator, Luo Yinfan. In the drama, Chong Zi was originally a very simple girl, but because of the body of the evil spirit, the fate of the natural life into the devil, she is time and again by the control of those who have a heart, fall into the devil's path, and stand in opposition to their master. Many people on the internet say that Chaoyue Yang's expressions are out of character, which is, in fact, an undeniable problem. But as far as the whole drama is concerned, Chaoyue Yang's performance as Chong Zi is more three-dimensional. After all, Chong Zi is also a very difficult role to interpret, naughty little fairy, for the master of all sorts of tricks, but also really good intentions, see her struggling to kill the brother of the gods who once saved her, Chaoyue Yang's interpretation of Chong Zi's psychology is really that taste. In addition, Chaoyue Yang's acting skills have really progressed, and for those so-called famous scenes, there is really given to quite good acting skills. In contrast to the previous sister beyond, her acting in the drama "Heavy Purple" has improved a lot. The most obvious, from the beginning of the pure acting to today's eyes in the play, which is already in the illustration of Chaoyue Yang's excellent is really can say! 02 Xu Zhengxi shot "Dokko World", there is a scene in the episode, after shooting Xu Zhengxi crying for those three seconds, the whole scene quiet. The director shouted wildly, fantastic. In the interview, in the face of questions, director He Shupei said, "Xu Zhengxi is a very rare actor, the performance power is really good". Xu Zhengxi played the role of the divine father Luo Yinfan in "Heavy Purple", a divine father of the immortal world who was originally untouched by the mundane world began his performance. In the episode, seeing the scene where Luo Yinfan, as the master, looks at Chong Zi kneeling, Xu Zhengxi's acting skills are really immersive. The camera cut to Xu Zhengxi's face, his eyes with the kind of panic and worry about the heavy purple, at that moment, just one look at his eyes, I understand everything. Because the real Luo Yinfan after the previous encounter, he loves Chong Zi, but is also really scared more than once. Xu Zhengxi is an actor who has been playing supporting roles for many years, and this "Heavy Violet" is one of his rare male dramas. There was a time when Xu Zhengxi's name was the one that made many people's intentions difficult. The role of Yu Wen Gu in "The Lonely World", there are still people who are tripped up by his interpretation of the role at that time. I have to say that at that time, Xu Zhengxi was in his early thirti
