Congratulations to Wang Yibo for breaking through 40 million fans, looki...

Congratulations Wang Yibo microblogging fans exceeded 40 million, look forward to 40 million fans benefits can be on the agenda soon! #01 remember Wang Yibo microblogging fans broke the 30 million mark on January 23, 2020, the day he opened his microblogging five years ago, nearly three years ago, the number of Wang Yibo fans finally exceeded 40 million fans. This 40 million fans, is Wang Yibo a footprint to get. After other actors burst into flames, they will choose some idol drama to fix the powder and stabilize their flow status. But Wang Yibo did not, he chose to shoot a narcotics police drama "ice rain fire", then shot a martial arts drama "there are bandits", step by step, with different works to break the public's fixed impression of him, let everyone see his as an actor can be made. 02 Wang Yibo's subsequent road is still a clear goal, began his film road, from "peacekeeping riot squad" to "no name", "long sky The King of the Long Sky" "Ardent", although the film is not currently in theaters, but both the subject matter and the creative team, everyone wants to watch the desire to pull directly full, take the "King of the Long Sky", although the temporary withdrawal of the file, but also let more people see the strength of Wang Yibo's resistance to the box office. As China's top dancer promotion ambassador, Wang Yibo is the promotion of street dance to the extreme, for three consecutive years to participate in the "This is the street dance" recording, every year there are excellent dance works out of the circle, leading all people are dance, but also shot the street dance film "warm", so that more people to understand the Chinese street dance culture. 03 again congratulations Wang Yibo fan volume exceeded 40 million, look forward to a 40 million benefits! I'm looking forward to the new song this year!
