Wang Yibo posted a post to promote Dapeng's movie and got a reply from D...

Recently, just full of 40 million fans, Wang Yibo issued an article to Dapeng Dong Chengpeng director to promote the upcoming comedy film "keep you safe", triggering concern, especially the squatting fans waiting for the benefits of 40 million fans. Wang Yibo posted an article to promote "keep you safe" and under this microblog, Dapeng director also commented at the bottom, "Shuo Shuo", this interaction between Wang Yibo and Dapeng director, call people can't help but think of the two collaborated on another movie "warm". The movie "Ardent", directed by Dapeng Dong Chengpeng and produced by Chen Zhixi, starring Huang Bo and Wang Yibo, was awarded the "Most Anticipated Film of the Year" at the 2022 Weibo Night, and Wang Yibo plays a young man who loves dancing, called Chen Shuo. The most anticipated film of the year was "Warm". Not long ago at the microblogging night, director Dapeng mentioned that the film "Warm" was specially tailored for Wang Yibo, "Because of Wang Yibo, there is warm". This sentence at the time was a shock to the crowd, just ask how many people in the entertainment industry today have such an honor! Dapeng and Wang Yibo and this time Dapeng director in Wang Yibo comment section of this sentence "Shuo Shuo", whether it indicates that "warm" is not far away? I think it's possible. In a recent interview with the Movie Channel, Dapeng mentioned that the movie "Warm" will not be released at the same time as "Keeping You Safe", but it is in final production. The movie "Keeping you safe" was released on December 31, shortly after the Chinese New Year, so will "Warm" appear in the Chinese New Year movie? A little anticipation first! Wang Yibo
