Yang Chao's variety show is through the photo, holding hands with Menciu...

There is no shortage of entertainers in the entertainment industry, they are a new force. These post-90s and post-00s entertainers have the advantages of high face and body, good acting skills, and excellent overall quality, and they have won praise from everyone, but of course many post-70s and post-80s have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. Recently, roadside photos of Chaoyue Yang recording a new variety show were revealed. She was brought into the venue in a black dress and blindfolded, and walked around hand in hand with Meng Ziyi. As an entertainer Chaoyue Yang has been debuting for several years and is getting more and more opportunities to appear on camera. chaoyue Yang was born in 98, Jiangsu Moe girl, has appeared in several film and television dramas, the movie "Our New Life". TV dramas are also not a few, including "limit", "will night 2", "and listen to the phoenix", "midsummer full of heart", "Changanuo", "ideal city", "wind and rain get, rouge chaos", "family sisters", "my earthly fireworks", "seven times auspicious", "heavy purple", "today Yi cheer" and so on as an artist, singer, originated in the "creation 101", but also at that time the rocket girl The group had a total of more than 10 young girls, and with the end of the group, they also faced a huge transition to film and television dramas. She also has excellent musical talent, published several music albums, "Galaxy", "Haha Farmer", "OO", "A Little Light", "Until Dawn", "Little Red Elephant", "A piece of good deeds", "Red Dust Companion", "Meet Goodbye", "Standing Wind", "Crash" and other popular songs. The variety shows are also countless, including "The Son of Tomorrow", "Heartbeat Signal", "Run, Run, Run", "Haha Farmer", "Quickly", "Oddball", "Please", "Chinese Restaurant", "Ultimate Challenge", "Hello , Saturday", etc. And Meng Ziyi, who is out on the street with her, is also quite famous, as a 95 year old, she also participated in several film and television performances, including "China Captain", "Yan Yuntai", "The Amazing Pei Qiandu", "The Great Wave", "The Humble Sword in the Snow", "West out of the Jade Gate", "Making Time", "Shen Xiang Ru Crumbs", "Shen Xiang Chong Hua" and so on. Participated in the "fast book", "daily up", "running", "daughters in love", "ideal time", "Meng tan", "hello, Saturday", "heartbeat signal", etc., this time the two good sisters together out on the street, but also the beauty of it, so you look forward to the two of them again together?

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