Someone staged a big show under the filter, and the real Xiao Zhan in th...

A WB night, not only let us see many starry stars, but also let us see a variety of filters under the sound and color. In fact, people inevitably with some filters, such as professional filters, body background filters and so on. Some of them are harmless, some of them are unbearable to look at. There is a saying that: people who like to look where all good, do not like to feel where all bad, in fact, as long as it does not interfere with others, no one cares. The official WB night is very good at capturing traffic and topics, the use of the lens is really not wasted. Some netizens summarized the WB's God's switch, such as Huang Xiaoming and BB, TFBOY gentlemen and so on, the little mind not too obvious. This kind of getting things done filter is really speechless. Xiao war as a super top flow, since the attention of all, but Xiao war grooming end square, behavior and handling impeccable, etiquette and manners is elegant let people like sitting in the spring, where to go is the scenery. Just under the filter of some people but staged a big drama. See such an article, fans are still many. The article says what black and white suits wedding dresses, gala wearing black dresses abound, okay. There is also a studio VLOG in an oil painting peony, origin Henan, on the high to and so on, simply let people speechless. This makes people think of the phrase: picking bones from eggs. A person wants to pick out the fault no matter how will pick out, and a person with a colored filter to see the world, see what everything is discolored. So let's look at the real pure passerby's view of the Xiao war is how to put aside all the filters. A passerby ran into Xiao Zhaoge on the plane and saw a tall, handsome man in the queue, and thought: good dress. This is the Xiao war in the eyes of a complete stranger. Xiao Zhan's self-service has always been praised, the clothing is not too good, even if it is not a big brand, ordinary clothes can also let him with a sense of fashion and beauty, aesthetics of this kind of thing, three points born, seven points cultivation, some people can not learn a lifetime. The same plane, the destination is the same, this passerby also went to WB night. In its eyes to see a large part of the artists are playing with their phones, Xiao war did not, most people after receiving the award to go Xiao war has stayed until the end. I have to say, this is the self-awareness and respect of an educated person, this is a person who knows how to be grateful and warm inside. The whole red sea he saw in the eyes, remembered in the heart, implemented in action. He accompanied the fans who came for him until the end, and will look back when he exits the stage, because he has been holding his fans. This is a two-way run to the bar, the few lights of other families, to Xiao battle the whole field red sea, and this red sea in the look back, simply do not too beautiful too moving, worthy of eternal freeze frame. There is also a passerby brother, at the beginning of the video he was asking: who is it? When he saw the whole red sea light up, he was so excited that he shouted, and later followed the fans to shout Xiao Zhan's name, louder than the fans. As we all know, Xiao war also has a lot of male fans, men's love for idols are more inclined to the ability, strength, verve. The man who can make the whole field instantly red sea, simply do not be too handsome, male powder is so attracted to it. Accompanied by lifting the roof of the cheering entry of Xiao Zhaogang, so that the front row of big brother meandering around a week to frame Xiao Zhaogang, and love issued, and the plane back and forth through Xiao Zhaogang men, this is Xiao Zhaogang superstar style, powerful aura, incomparable power, so that people suffer a minute of the heart impact, good feeling circle powder. Men are still so, not to mention the ladies. And this is the real passerby in the line of sight Xiao war. The last faint want to say: the work is the life of the actor, career is the strength of the man, charm. In the XINLANG interview mentioned his role, Xiao Zhan obviously expression rich up, eloquent, the whole person is in the light. This is the dedication, love of the man, really serious work of the most handsome man, sincere not deceive. This is the face to make people stop, character to make people fall, and the cause of infinite progress is destined to infinite future!
