The industry is optimistic about "The King of the Sky" Wang Yibo's anoth...

Starring Wang Yibo, focusing on the Air Force test pilot group, about the test pilot story of the commercial blockbuster "King of the Long Sky" will be released on April 28. This is also the earliest commercial blockbuster scheduled for this year's May Day slot, so it is clear that the film makers must be full of confidence in their film! Wang Yibo "King of the Long Sky" "King of the Long Sky" was originally scheduled for release last year in the eleventh slot, and then for better presentation, it was rescheduled to May 1st this year. After the reshuffle, "King of the Long Sky" official microblogging had been silent until January this year, and in situ full-blooded resurrection. The active almost let people think he Spring Festival file will be on the ...... "King of the Long Sky" is scheduled for May 1 because the "King of the Long Sky" and the Spring Festival file release of the movie "Nameless", starring Wang Yibo, so the "King of the Long Sky" nonchalantly rubbed a wave of "Nameless" heat, the Spring Festival file the most lively time, fighting for the "Nameless" waving the flag. Even the package scene "nameless", successfully pulled a wave of good feelings, but also on the hot search, 666! Released the "movie King of the Long Sky I am a test pilot version trailer", the trailer was released to get more than 24 million plays! China Strategic Support, Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, CCTV Military, Air Force Online, Aviation Industry, Southern Air Force, Northern Air Force and other accounts all released or forwarded the trailer! The movie "King of the Long Sky" "King of the Long Sky" will be released nationwide on April 28 and has been exported to Australia, New Zealand, North America, UK, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries and regions. This is another movie of Wang Yibo after the movie "No Name" that went out of the country! Wang Yibo "King of the Long Sky" "King of the Long Sky" has held industry test screenings, which were attended by industry bigwigs, such as meritorious test pilots, the president of the Chinese Test Pilot Institute and military representatives. After all, the J20 real aircraft, the film has undergone the most stringent audit in history, the shooting process is also extremely confidential! It is the key film project to show the image of the country! Show the strength of China's aviation industry "King of the Long Sky" has not yet been released in the domestic theater, it has been exported to a number of countries and regions, so it is clear that this film must be extremely good in all aspects of performance. From the trailer that has been released, the "King of the Long Sky" is hot, explosive, visual effects and sound effects first-class, so that people look at the adrenaline rush, is a cool film in the cool film! Wang Yibo "King of the Long Sky" "King of the Long Sky" has a superb lineup of fighters! Absolute visual feast and shocking auditory experience! It's a not-to-be-missed big screen gem for this year's May Day. The King of the Long Sky", Born to Fly, April 28, and you will not see it! King of the Sky" poster
