Yang Zi's acting skills once again dedicated to the masterpiece "Long Lo...

Recently, the first anniversary of the start of "Changxiang Si" has been completed. In this drama, Yang Zi played the female lead who had 22 tears, which caused a lot of audience's attention and emotion. Looking at this issue from the perspective of Eastern philosophy, we can get some insights. First of all, Eastern philosophy focuses on personal inner cultivation and spiritual pursuit. Yang Zi's tumultuous emotional world shown in "Changxiang Si" deeply touched the audience's heart, and also reflected her deep grasp of the role and her high expressive power. As an actress, it is through continuous self-cultivation and self-improvement that one can reach a higher level in performance. Secondly, Eastern philosophy also emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The emotional dilemma faced by the character played by Yang Zi in "Changxiang Si" also reflects the bitterness and helplessness of human beings in the world of emotions. Just like the rivers in nature, emotional experiences are also a landscape that we must experience in life, requiring us to face it calmly and appreciate it seriously. Finally, Eastern philosophy also emphasizes the way of coexistence between human beings and society. The strength and courage shown by the female protagonist played by Yang Zi in "Changxiang Si" is not only admirable emotionally, but also a spiritual quality that we need to constantly pursue in society. Only by constantly improving oneself and striving hard can one obtain more achievements and success on the stage of life. To sum up, Yang Zi shed tears 22 times in "Changxiang Si", reflecting her deep grasp of the role and her high expressive power, as well as bringing a lot of touch and inspiration to the audience. Looking at this issue from the perspective of Eastern philosophy, we can make a more profound interpretation through personal inner cultivation, the harmonious coexistence between human and nature, and the way of coexistence between human and society.
