Liu Xiaoshi and Wang Yibo are very emotional people, cold on the surface...

Recently, Liu Xiaoshi, the director of the film "King of the Long Sky", was interviewed.

Asked by the host what his impression of Wang Yibo was when he first worked with him, director Liu replied, "He's very serious, especially when acting in a film like this, he's especially afraid of getting it wrong. So we basically just rehearse together every morning as actors, read the script, and just work out all our problems, whether it's on the acting level or on the logical level of the story, before we can officially perform."

Director Liu Xiaoshi in an interview

I was reminded that when the news first broke that Wang Yibo was going to make this film, some people on the internet "attacked" him for his professionalism.

Yes, apart from the 1999 film The Flying Panther, also starring Hu Jun, and the forthcoming King of the Sky, there are only two films in China, so there are very few references available.

Test Pilots film

So, Wang Yibo, does he know? From what we can see here from director Liu, he himself obviously knows, that's why he is afraid of playing it wrong and has to push it over and over again, logic, emotion, plot.

Director Liu goes on to say, "Wang Yibo is actually quite cold on the surface, but he is a particularly emotionally charged person, very soft inside, quite emotional"

Wang Yibo

Perhaps only those who have really come into contact with him can understand his sensuality.

Another incident came to mind the other day.

On the day of the Beijing premiere of King of the Long Sky, there was a public service show, a roadshow for the visually impaired, and Mr. David, the founder of the Mind's Eye Cinema and the chief film narrator, was invited to explain the whole film to the visually impaired.

The Beijing Premiere of The King of the Long Sky by Mr. David

Wang Yibo was moved to tears when the teacher talked about how they (the visually impaired) watched the film.

Wang Yibo

Many people say that he is getting more and more stable. Yes, from "No Name" to "King of the Long Sky", in just a few months' time, Wang Yibo has made his mark in the film industry at a speed visible to the naked eye, and I believe that one day he will stand even higher!

Finally, I wish the movie "King of the Long Sky" a big wheat!
