Wang Yibo moved to May 1st and 17 movies gathered together, can "The Kin...

Every New Year's Day is not only a leisure time for many office workers and students, but also an excellent time for major movies to take turns to "make their mark".

This year, 17 films are rumoured to be released on May Day, which is considered by many netizens to be the "most crowded" holiday in history.

According to online sources, a total of nine films will be released in cinemas on April 28. Among them are the bloodthirsty and inspirational film "King of the Long Sky", the offbeat romance "So Many Years" and "Countdown to Say I Love You", the only comedy film "Life is Not So Familiar", the disaster action film "Sky Rescue", the city life film "Night Life in Changsha", the film "Stars to Mars" which cares for the autistic community, and the revolutionary history and character film "Jinggang Starfire" and "Jian Bozan".

Six films will also be online on 29 April, namely Surveillance Storm, as well as the animated films The New Pigman Movie - Super Race, Guardians of the Universe: Storm Force, Paradise Valley Adventure, The Jeweled Princess of Magic Fantasy and Super Cute Time Babies.

The two films that will be released on 1 May are "Shark in the Middle of the Water" and "Ma Chuang Village". These films cover various areas such as inspiration, romance, animation, disaster and life, and can satisfy the various tastes of the general audience.

As of 18:00 pm on 28 April, the combined box office of The King of the Long Sky on its first day of release had exceeded $70 million, temporarily ranking first among the several films released on the first day.

Previously, "King of the Long Sky" had already exceeded 100 million at the box office when it was pre-sold, standing out from the crowd of films waiting to go online.

The film, featuring test pilots, showed audiences that behind the planes flying in the blue sky stood a group of unsung heroes who were quietly dedicated. The film also received a lot of praise from the industry in the pre-launch screenings.

In addition to its excellent creative team and the participation of actors such as Wang Yibo, Hu Jun and Zhou Dongyu, "King of the Sky" was able to achieve such success during the pre-sale period and far exceed the box office of other films after its first day of release, not least because of its quality thematic content: highlighting the contribution of groups such as "test pilots" to the aviation industry.

Some netizens say that test pilots are "dancers on the tip of a knife", as they not only have to fly, evaluate and test the newly developed aircraft, simulate and test the situations that pilots may encounter through various extreme conditions, but also acquire a lot of knowledge about aviation equipment, keep abreast of the performance and problems of warplanes, and participate in aircraft design and improvement.

From the initial "penniless" to today's excellent warplanes, the efforts of generations of test pilots and scientists are indispensable, and many of them have paid the price with their lives.

In this film, Lei Yu, a young test pilot played by Wang Yibo, has experienced test flight failures and various extreme conditions during his test flights, but in order to preserve the real data of the test flights again and again, Lei Yu still chose to move forward with determination and reluctance.

The actors' performances bring the real experiences of the test pilots to the screen, and also incorporate the contradictions and tangles between small love and big love, so that the "life" shown on a piece of screen really flows in the hearts of the audience outside the screen.

Whether it is "The King of the Long Sky" or any other film, it is the hard work of a team of creators. Whether "The King of the Long Sky" can continue to "go straight to the top" in the "May Day" pile of films at the box office will also depend on the feedback from the audience afterwards.

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