Wang Yibo reappears Zhang Zifeng's body and walks, summing up the C posi...

It is reported that Wang Yibo's premiere recreates Zhang Zifeng's body position, Wang Yibo's pace of making C position at the premiere is too much like Zhang Zifeng's pace of "making C position" at BJIFF!

#King of the Long Sky

Some people say that Wang Yibo imitated Zhang Zifeng, so that he could be in the hot search? In fact, they are both from Henan, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, so they are very polite. Entertainment critic Wu Qingkong said that Wang Yibo is not only polite to elders, but also to ladies and children.

It is a well-known fact that the position of a celebrity determines the curiosity and flow of the celebrity, but of course, the C position is the existence of all the attention, and is also the place where everyone scrambles to stand, but in recent years, this C position has become a position of fear for the stars, rather than stand in the corner than stand C position, in fact, it comes down to the fear of being scolded, if they really do not have the strength to stand to the C position, you can imagine the object of the bombardment of the netizens, and Wang Yibo is also the same position, the long sky The King of the launch, Hu Jun and Zheng Xiaoning let each other C bit to stand aside Wang Yibo also panic to hurry back, even if they can stand to the main position, but as a junior also dare not, so the stars are sensitive to the C bit, not they do not love to stand C bit, but the net storm is too terrible, how do you think about it? Welcome to the comment section message oh!
